Mark Affleck


You Can't Touch This!

This just in from our global online tribe:    Does Psalm 91:10 say Christians do not have to fear harm?    Great question. Here it is: “No harm will overtake you; no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will

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I’ll Take The MAKE OVER And The DO OVER, Please.

The entire planet is obsessed with MAKE OVERS and DO OVERS. Both of those television-contrived trends pivot on waving a magic wand to vanquish imperfections. Change circumstances. Restore hope.    The MAKEOVER is a radical transformation or remodeling–home makeovers, lifestyle makeovers, and style makeovers–all building to a stunning “big reveal” at the end.    The

I’ll Take The MAKE OVER And The DO OVER, Please. Read More »