Mark Affleck

I Can Carry My Own Burdens, Thank You

It was early in my faith walk and I was full of hubris and false confidence that I could vanquish any burden that came my way. And I was wrong. Here’s the story… If there is one thing we can count on…we will be treated unjustly in almost every one of the roles we play in life. And the BURDENS that result will not be limited to a season here and a season there. They will be visiting our life forever.    You...

Worrying What Other People Think Is Fake News!

We have unwittingly become “contributors on assignment” for the FAKE NEWS CHANNEL. And it is streaming 24/7 across the cinema of our mind and coursing through the chambers of our beating heart. It all starts when we inadvertently give birth to the problem by comparing ourselves to a plasticized and idealized view of others. Talk about fake news! The world is wrong. It’s that simple.    So...

Why Do I Keep Going Back To My Old Ways?

The Galatian believers had “come to know God” and be “known by God” through the preached Word and the Holy Spirit’s transformative power. But even though they had been set free in Christ, they were about to be enslaved again, this time by the Law. Same bondage. Different jailers. That frightening possibility made the Apostle Paul wonder if his ministry and God’s transformative work in the region...

Glory Seekers Need Not Apply Here

Our faith walk is not about “superficial glory.” It’s about “transparent authenticity.” And Paul drives this home while preaching for us in Thessalonica. “…We always speak as God wants us to, because he has judged us worthy to be entrusted with the Good News. We do not try to please people, but to please God, who tests our motives.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4 GNT    Pleasing men and pleasing God...

I Was Taken Advantage Of By Christians. Ouch.

I had coffee at Starbucks yesterday with one of my dearest friends and his lovely wife to discuss life and the fact that we had all been taken advantage of recently by people we had trusted. It was very painful and a “spiritual challenge” to keep our anger from boiling over. Throughout the chat we kept asking God to help us say no to anger and yes to him for the wisdom and patience we needed to meet...

I Thought “AGAPE LOVE” Was A New Wine

I know, it sounds crazy. But that was exactly what I thought early in my faith walk. And then God cleared it all up when I read 1 Thessalonians… “So, in all our trouble and suffering we have been encouraged about you, friends. It was your faith that encouraged us, because now we really live if you stand firm in your life in union with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 3:7-8 GNT    Timothy’s report...

Blameless in Today’s World? Not a Chance.

We live in a world that is careening away from anything and everything HOLY. A world with an unhealthy focus on self that is antithetical to being HOLY. A world that plots at every turn against a Christian’s desire to be HOLY in God’s eyes. Yes, living a holy life in Christ is one tough job. But it is worth forging ahead toward sanctification, anyway. That was the aspirational goal Paul gave the Thessalonians…    “May...

I Couldn’t Keep Quiet No Matter How Hard I Tried

I couldn’t keep quiet early in my faith walk. I’m not talking about talking too much. My ENTIRE LIFE wasn’t quiet when I was a CEO chasing success and all its trappings. That’s why I struggled to understand this from Paul: “Make it your aim to live a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to earn your own living, just as we told you before.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11 GNT    But eventually...

I Finally Started Working Out And It Paid Off

I have worked out a lot in my life for football, hockey, and triathlons. But even though I have been following Christ for over 40 years, I only started to “work out” my faith in the last 10 years after God used this from the Apostle Paul to get my attention: “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation...

Yesterday Crushed Me, But Just For A Moment

Yesterday was a very bad day for me. A painful day. A crushing day, really. It was one of those days where it hurts both in the moment and also in how it will change the direction of days to come. But it’s also one of those days all believers must expect will periodically crash our beach behind a surging swell.    And dare I say it’s one of those days we should relish as an opportunity...
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