Mark Affleck

ANOTHER Virus Has Invaded The Software Of Our Mind

A global mindset I call the “ERADICATION OF UNCERTAINTY” just left the launch pad in an explosion of fury that has produced a manic hunt for certainty and a determined drive to eliminate ambiguity. This “Eradicate Uncertainty Movement” has become a VIRUS that seeks to influence human behavior. A virus that has produced a broken moral compass. A virus just like the uncertainty-laden COVID-19 CLOUD...


Sitting in our COVID-19 cages is “forcing” all of us to think about things that have been ignored for a long time.   It has been a welcome exercise of enlightenment for me.    This morning when God took his director chair and called out ACTION for a new day, I pounded my coffee to focus the blurry frames in my viewfinder.    That’s when the subject of FAITH & BLURRED LINES...

His WHITEKNUCKLED Faith Eventually Lost Its Grip

Over this past weekend I thought about Christians, including myself at times, who are “WHITEKNUCKLING” their way through this COVID-19 nightmare. WHITEKNUCKLING = extreme excitement, fear, apprehension, tension, or stress. Think roller coasters careening around sharp corners and airplanes shaking and bouncing in a storm of turbulence.    Gripping something so tight that our knuckles lose...


I woke up from another restless night with this thought sliding across my mind’s dance floor: Most Christians are “SHAKABLE.” (Yes, shakable is a real word that means “capable of being weakened.”) I am sure that SHAKABILITY would never have slid off my mind’s conveyer belt without the CoronaVirus challenge. That had to be the impetus forcing it down the line to visit my consciousness and challenge...

What Will You Do At The COVID-19 CROSSROADS?

We find ourselves standing at the CROSSROADS of life–faith, family, career, relationships, ministry, health, and the rest of it–more now than ever before. The velocity of 21st Century life produces myriad choices–A or B, left or right, up or down, forward or back, fight or flight, in or out…Coke or Pepsi.    But when we rolled up on this crossroad at the COVID-19 Junction,...

A Masked Pharisee Stole His Faith’s Authenticity--6 Warning Signs!

We are all born LEGALISTS (keep the law to win God’s acceptance) who are vulnerable to being caught in the “Pharisee Trap.” Vulnerable to reject God’s grace. And vulnerable to the false allure of earning our way into Eternity with Jesus. The Pharisees were prolific legalists on a pedestal hovering above all others (1 Corinthians 8:1). They appeared to have it all together, but that was merely camouflage...

Watch Out For The Covid-19 FEELINGS FEST!

Just in from our global online tribe: “Ever since COVID-19 hit, I have had more negative and scary feelings than at any time in my life. I’m trying to stay positive but not succeeding. Help!” Welcome to a very popular club of Christians around the world who are awash in pandemic-induced feelings!    We are under attack from feelings that typically start with irritation but then quickly move...

COVID-19 Is Dive-Bombing Our Lives With BURDENS

As the COVID-19 VISE squeezes the world, we are all being individually dive-bombed by burdens buzzing around every part of our life. A new twist seems to pop up on our life’s screen each and every day. While trying to “survive” this pounding and relentless attack, we can easily lose sight of how God wants us to react to the BURDENS it produces…    He wants us to take each and every burden...

“Breaking Point Faith” Has Consumed My COVID-19 CAVE

The CoronaVirus nightmare is draining personal ENDURANCE TANKS across the planet. Many people are running on empty and shivering in fright as they search frantically for a HOPE STATION to refill their endurance tank. Why not go straight to the endurance pump? Why do we have to get our endurance from the HOPE STATION?    Two reasons” 1) Hope PRODUCES endurance; and 2) Endurance is the RESULT...

He Woke Up This Morning With PAST-TENSE Faith

This just in from our global online tribe: Easter Sunday yesterday was the high point of my year, as it is every year. I wish I could feel my faith every day like I feel it at Easter. Why is that so difficult? This QUESTION is the perfect pivot point for the “day after Easter.”    My ANSWER starts with the three most important words we heard yesterday on Easter Sunday–the LAST three...
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