Is It Time To Change Your Life’s COVER IMAGE?
20 July, 2020
We have all heard the idiom: “YOU CAN’T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.” And of course it makes sense. A person’s worth and character cannot be determined by outward appearances. But Christians and unbelievers alike still have trouble following God’s example instead of judging people by their cover. “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look...
We’re BANNING “It Could Be Worse”
17 July, 2020
If you’re looking for bad news these days, you don’t have to look. It will come to you on every one of the screens that sling negative news and incendiary images into our mind’s newsfeed. Most of us would agree that the news today is depressing with its messages of divorce, drugs, disconnection, divisiveness, and discord. And, oh yeah, there’s disease and COVID-19. It is against that...
A Single Drop Of Poison Killed His Faith
15 July, 2020
This just in from our global tribe of over 700,000+ online followers: “I want to get the bad thoughts and motives out of my mind, but I can’t. I feel great after church and then they come back. I wonder if it’s worth fighting those feelings.” Here’s how God has helped me deal with this issue… Think of a POND and then picture someone on its edge pouring a gallon of poison into the azure...
IT’S HOT! Make Your Actions Your Words.
13 July, 2020
It’s hot in America right now. Blistering hot from coast to coast. The only good thing coming out of the swelter is connecting it to the action we take, or don’t take, on our faith walk. That story, ironically, starts with rain. The current heat wave is the kind of weather that can pelt the high desert with much-needed rain to quench its cracked and thirsty moonscape floor. ...
It’s an ASSAULT! Get Ready To Defend TRUTH.
10 July, 2020
TRUTH has been under attack since we broke from God in the Garden. But we ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Christians everywhere on planet earth need to brace themselves for an ASSAULT ON TRUTH the likes of which the digitized, modern world has not yet seen. Today’s mind-numbing volume of information coursing through the world’s bloodstream allows people to find a version of truth that meets their GODLESS...
Is Jesus A Rain-Or-Shine CAPTAIN?
09 July, 2020
It is impossible to count the massive number of Christian messages built around the “CALM SEAS OF CHRIST” metaphor. And for good reason. It is a powerhouse life preserver for believers swimming against the current of life and battling the tide’s powerful undertow. Consider your trips across life’s calm, glass-like waters that were hijacked by a sudden storm. A storm joined by its thunder and lightning...
I Rode A Razor As A Kid But Can’t Do It Now
06 July, 2020
Would it surprise you to learn that a bloke named William Ockham of Surry England figured out in the 13th Century why Christians in the 21st Century would have trouble activating their faith? It’s true. Ockham developed a theory that would endure millennia. Though the theory’s name has morphed through the years, it stands sturdy and strong today as OCCAM’S RAZOR: When you have two COMPETING...
Facing A Challenge, Is Your FIRST Thought Success Or Failure?
03 July, 2020
We are living in a POST-CIVIL era. A time of tension and turmoil. A time which defaults to conflict and confusion. A time where civility is gasping for air to stay alive. It is against that backdrop that we are watching the world grow more CYNICAL every day. Men and women. Old and young. Christians and non-believers. cyn·i·cism: an inclination to believe that people are motivated...
It’s Easy To Quit Something You Haven’t Started
02 July, 2020
This just in from our global online tribe of 700,000 followers: You write a lot about activating my faith but why is it that no matter how hard I try nothing changes in how I feel and act? I think about this piercing and critically important question every day. Why, indeed, are millions of Christians around the world having trouble fully activating their faith? If you are expecting a...
Is Another TOWER OF BABEL Headed Our Way?
29 June, 2020
Very early in my faith walk I thought the TOWER OF BABEL was nothing more than a tale from long ago that was part of God’s grand introduction of the Old Testament in Genesis (11:1-9). Later I realized that the TOWER OF BABEL was a real story set in modern-day Iraq under Nebuchadnezzar’s rule. Rising out of the heart of Babylon, it would become the focus of God’s wrath and birth the world’s many languages....
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