Are You 100% Sure DRAGONS Are Cool?
12 October, 2020
Dragons are TRENDING. Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion are stars on the Games Of Thrones. Every culture seems to have a dragon in its myths. Stories for children feature dragons–think Puff the Magic Dragon or Smaug in The Hobbit. We love dragons because they allow our imagination to soar. We love DRAGONS because they can fly. We love DRAGONS because they are powerful and mysterious. ...
Is That A Feather Or A Snake Tickling Your Neck?
09 October, 2020
I’ve spent a lot of time in my life thinking about FEAR. Studying FEAR. Helping people get past their FEAR. The word is an anchor in my ministry’s name and a commitment in my life to help others quell its oppressive grip. One of the most important things I’ve learned about FEAR in the past couple of decades is that many people spend too much time trying to figure it out. My approach is...
Ignore SPIRITUAL WARFARE Until It Goes Away?
08 October, 2020
We are at war. Not World War III. Not Armageddon. Not Middle East strife. Not even COVID or race or politics. We are at war with DARKNESS. There is a WAR raging inside Christians everywhere. A war between good and evil. A war between God and the devil. It’s SPIRITUAL WARFARE. Early in my faith walk I dismissed spiritual warfare as being something too mysterious to grasp,...
Can NetFlix Help You Choose Foresight or Faith?
07 October, 2020
We are all fascinated by the exciting future. Fixated on the mysterious future. Frustrated by the unknown future. Man do we want a peek into the future. Waiting for the future to happen just isn’t good enough. We want a summary of the future right now as if we’re cruising through NetFlix teasers in search of our next watch. Of course we all want to KNOW what lies ahead. That’s...
She Gave Herself TRUTH SERUM And It Worked
06 October, 2020
TRUTH-SERUM refers to a drug used to obtain the truth from a person unable or unwilling to provide it otherwise. But it’s a MYTH. There is no drug proven to enhance truth-telling. Bummer. Since we lie to ourselves far more than others lie to us, it would be a good thing if Christians had some TRUTH SERUM (if it existed) to tell OURSELVES the truth about our FEARS. ...
American Dreamification: Who Can YOU Teach?
05 October, 2020
The world implores us to set our own course and live out the AMERICAN DREAMIFICATION lifestyle. A life that idealizes a NON-EXISTENT “fully-secure” existence. A life that looks for the stage and its accolades to fuel our power-starved ego. A life that is empty. (I know…because I lived it.) Here’s the line you are expecting to come next: God counters the AMERICAN DREAMIFICATION...
All That THINKING Swept Him Out To Sea
25 September, 2020
This just in from our global online tribe: “I think I think too much about being a Christian. Is that possible?” YES, it’s not only possible–all believers are vulnerable to thinking too much about their faith walk. OVERTHINKING anything in life drains us emotionally; produces a sense of being frozen in place; and creates a stream of anxiety that can easily lead to depression. But OVERTHINKING...
24 September, 2020
BIBLE ILLITERACY is at epidemic proportions on planet earth. The cause in many cases can be connected to the marginalization of Scripture in favor of singing contemporary songs, attending fellowship barbeques, and taking study classes. That’s DISPOSABLE-DISCIPLINE–do your best to be spiritually nourished, but you do not have to measure your performance. We are experiencing a famine of Bible...
You Cannot FOLLOW Jesus Going with the FLOW
21 September, 2020
From the time the very first day our modern media factory began operating 24/7, it has been telling us to GO WITH THE FLOW. And we have largely obeyed. Society makes its recommended FLOW–almost always in the waters of materialism and worldly success–seem “right” to keep us from going counter-culture and fighting the flow. What society never tells us is that floating with the...
He Nearly Died From SPIRITUAL-ITIS
18 September, 2020
Nobody wants to get anything with an ‘ITIS’ at the end of the diagnosis, right? These invaders have names like tonsillitis, bronchitis, and arthritis. But those are just three sources of ‘ITIS’ (INFLAMMATION) that produce pain. The swelling that comes with an ‘ITIS’ is our response to an inflammation invasion. It is our white blood cells telling the body’s immunity protection crew to fight off the...
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