God’s Word Was Dead And Dormant, And So Was I.
15 June, 2021
It was very early in my faith walk when I looked at the Bible as sacred and important, but largely DEAD AND DORMANT in terms of being a part of my life on a daily basis. It’s a massive understatement to say that I was wrong. God’s Word is ACTIVE AND ALIVE. “The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet,...
Your Spiritual Growth ACCELERATOR: Life’s Trials!
14 June, 2021
Early in my faith walk I thought the goal was to “get through” the trials of life. I did not know it was possible to learn from them and grow spiritually. Spiritual maturity is developed through our trials as we learn to trust God and grow our faith. And the DEPTH of a believer’s spiritual maturity determines what and how much they learn from the trials they face in their life. This deeper...
“Try Easy” Is The Best Spiritual Guidance I’ve Ever Got
12 June, 2021
This will sound counter intuitive, but Christians in hot pursuit of spiritual maturity—without success–should STOP TRYING SO HARD. Trying too hard to grow spiritually shows up in two ways: CHASING TOO MUCH—Taking a transactional “to-do-list” mindset of spiritual activities. THINKING TOO MUCH—Getting inside our head with doubts about our spiritual maturity. ...
Do I Need A Vaccination Entry Card To Obey God?
10 June, 2021
We are seeing a spate of new regulations to navigate our (nearly) POST-COVID world. To mask or not to mask. Social distancing part two. Large gatherings with vaccination entry cards. Just yesterday I was walking through the grocery store and the confusion was palpable. Shoppers were bobbing and weaving through the aisles with their mask moving from chin to pocket and their nervous glances skittering...
Have You Seen The Spiritual Maturity REMOTE CONTROL?
09 June, 2021
Last week I was shooting video footage with a drone high over the towering trees near majestic Yosemite National Park when I realized how far the remote control had come since its debut as a “tv-set” channel changer. It was incredible. When the drone delivered our final shot, I thought about using its remote brain to produce the final video with music and narration. A silly voice in my...
God’s Imperative is to GROW! His Fuel—GRACE.
08 June, 2021
God calls all Christians to grow in their faith. To grow in their trust. To grow in their surrender. Here’s how the Apostle Peter puts it: “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 1 Peter 2:2-3 YES…Spiritual Growth is not an option for believers, it is an...
Have You Checked Your Moral Compass Lately?
06 June, 2021
God makes NO MISTAKE in instructing his followers to become spiritually mature. So that’s our goal and our life-long quest, right? Of course. But it has never been and will never be “easy.” That’s why we are spending this month on spiritual growth. “We are not meant to remain as children, but to grow up in every way into Christ.” Ephesians 4:14-15. ...
Incrementalism May Not be a Denomination, But It WORKS.
04 June, 2021
The power of INCREMENTALISM has had a profound and significant impact on my life. It was a guiding tenet in my business career as a CEO and an important influence in my personal life, too. But it has TRANSFORMED my faith walk. in·cre·men·tal·ism: changing something gradually in step-by-step phases. We’ve already established in the past couple of messages that our goal to...
Is YOUR Spiritual Growth Fast Or Slow?
03 June, 2021
Yesterday we explored the notion that GROWTH, in and of itself, is not the primary goal behind our life-long journey to become ever-more spiritually mature. That message focused on growing and deepening our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus in a way that GLORIFIES him. And it quickly raised this important question: Should our spiritual growth be fast or slow? The answer can be found on two tracks:...
Spiritual Growth Comes When Growth Is NOT the Goal
02 June, 2021
It won’t take long during this month’s exploration of SPIRITUAL MATURITY to see that the word GROWTH circulates through most of the messages. That’s a good thing because God’s calls us to GROW our faith. “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18 But before we get too far down the critically-important GROWTH road, I want to shake a...
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