Mark Affleck

Mark Affleck

Two Words Christians Fear The Most—FEAR NOT

FEAR NOT. QUICK! What just went through your mind in response to those two words? Were your thoughts mostly POSITIVE on viewing “Fear Not” as a safe refuge from the world’s uncertainty?   Or did your mind cough up something NEGATIVE that looked at “Fear Not” as an impossibility in your life today?   A quick review of past comments from our global online

Two Words Christians Fear The Most—FEAR NOT Read More »

Why are Millions of Christians NUMB on June 30, 2022?

I see a troubling pattern coming out of comments from our global online tribe–NUMBNESS. It’s not really depression. It’s not really sadness. It’s not really hopelessness. It feels more like: “My faith walk is INACTIVE because I’m NUMB.” I’ve been feeling a little of that lately myself. It’s hard to put a finger on it other than to

Why are Millions of Christians NUMB on June 30, 2022? Read More »