Mark Affleck

Why Are These Images Chasing Me Around?

Our entire value system is under siege as the world slides into a bizarre paradox where the unreal is real.   Cosmetically appealing slop is supported by a media that feeds it inexorably to a panting and ever-expanding audience. The tabloid explosion is feeding our fascination with the prurient. TV talk shows have become theater to help us feel better about ourselves because can tell ourselves...

 I Lived With ZERO TOLERANCE Of Imperfection

Our vulnerability to Satan’s Voice Villain in our ear increases with each new mistake we make or bad feeling we entertain.  This negativity creates a damaging self-perception that we are not worthy and cannot be like Jesus. Then we mistakenly start thinking we are no good for others, no good for our families and friends, and no good for God.    It’s a search-and-destroy mission...

I Was Nice And They Were Still Mean

The “Be Nice Game” is rooted in the false ethic of reciprocity which says if we’re nice to others, they will be nice to us. It’s NONSENSE and a “Golden Rule Ruse.” As Christians, we know that people do not always reciprocate when we treat them with Christ-like kindness, patience, and acceptance. Boy, do I know.      If we decide to perform for people to gain acceptance,...

Memorizing Scripture Is NOT For Showing Off Spiritually?

Early in my faith walk I thought memorizing Scripture was all about showing people how close we are to God—a Spiritual Show Off. WRONG! I have since learned that there are myriad reasons why God wants us to memorize his Word, but showing off is not one of them. Here are five of the most important for me:    CHRISTLIKENESS: Scripture constantly reminds us of the standards God sets for...

I Didn’t Start Because I Didn’t Think I Could Finish

God wants us to continue walking in faith without complaining or compromising when fear pervades our thinking. The key is to trust he is still there…always there. And will NEVER leave.    It’s true. He never leaves us, whether we feel it or not. We shouldn’t debate whether God stirs us. We should act immediately and “start the race,” because hesitating is ignoring God. It may take some...

I Am The Boss Of My Life!

Winning the CONTROL Battle In 2018 As a CEO in the marketplace early in my walk with Christ, I allowed career uncertainties to spill into my personal life. I allowed inexorable stress to surge through my soul. I allowed a ticking time bomb to pervade my world. And it produced horrific consequences. My futile quest to make everything “perfect” had landed me in a slipstream of angst. While chasing money,...

What Will You Paint On Your 2018 Canvas?

As 2017 begins its final fade to black, I am mindful of the fresh canvas God gives us for a new year brimming with its inspirational promises and powerful rush of hope. What a blessing! The fresh canvas that just peeked over the horizon this month is the same fresh canvas of forgiveness and grace that God gives us every day. It’s God’s fresh canvas to be forgiven and look forward with...

GETTING READY FOR 2018: Beyond Uncertainty To Win The FEAR BATTLE

  Early in my faith walk I desperately wanted to hurl my incessant and destructive FEAR into the dump and watch it die and rot away. I’ll bet many of you have felt like that, too. We mistakenly think our faith will zoom into the stratosphere when we stamp out fear in our life.    NO WAY!  I learned much later that there can only be one way to vanquish fear—God’s perfect love must...


God has mightily blessed the Crowdfunding Campaign for Love God Fear Nothing, the ministry that helps believers love God more and fear less by producing powerful, life-changing devotionals, blogs, videos and social media posts.  After self-funding the ministry and our living expenses for the past 18 months, we are raising money to continue current programs and expand in 2018. 100% of these funds...

Will Your New Year Be More SIGNIFICANT Than The Last?

I’m watching 2017 begin its final march into the sunset with a burning desire to make 2018 more significant than the year it nudges off the horizon. More significant in understanding my life purpose. And more significant in serving others who need God’s love and hope. But making that dream a reality is not an automatic result from making another shallow resolution for the New Year. NO! Significance...
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