I Was Taken Advantage Of By Christians. Ouch.
28 June, 2018
I had coffee at Starbucks yesterday with one of my dearest friends and his lovely wife to discuss life and the fact that we had all been taken advantage of recently by people we had trusted. It was very painful and a “spiritual challenge” to keep our anger from boiling over. Throughout the chat we kept asking God to help us say no to anger and yes to him for the wisdom and patience we needed to meet...
I Thought “AGAPE LOVE” Was A New Wine
25 June, 2018
I know, it sounds crazy. But that was exactly what I thought early in my faith walk. And then God cleared it all up when I read 1 Thessalonians… “So, in all our trouble and suffering we have been encouraged about you, friends. It was your faith that encouraged us, because now we really live if you stand firm in your life in union with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 3:7-8 GNT Timothy’s report...
Blameless in Today’s World? Not a Chance.
23 June, 2018
We live in a world that is careening away from anything and everything HOLY. A world with an unhealthy focus on self that is antithetical to being HOLY. A world that plots at every turn against a Christian’s desire to be HOLY in God’s eyes. Yes, living a holy life in Christ is one tough job. But it is worth forging ahead toward sanctification, anyway. That was the aspirational goal Paul gave the Thessalonians…...
I Couldn’t Keep Quiet No Matter How Hard I Tried
21 June, 2018
I couldn’t keep quiet early in my faith walk. I’m not talking about talking too much. My ENTIRE LIFE wasn’t quiet when I was a CEO chasing success and all its trappings. That’s why I struggled to understand this from Paul: “Make it your aim to live a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to earn your own living, just as we told you before.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11 GNT But eventually...
I Finally Started Working Out And It Paid Off
19 June, 2018
I have worked out a lot in my life for football, hockey, and triathlons. But even though I have been following Christ for over 40 years, I only started to “work out” my faith in the last 10 years after God used this from the Apostle Paul to get my attention: “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation...
Yesterday Crushed Me, But Just For A Moment
16 June, 2018
Yesterday was a very bad day for me. A painful day. A crushing day, really. It was one of those days where it hurts both in the moment and also in how it will change the direction of days to come. But it’s also one of those days all believers must expect will periodically crash our beach behind a surging swell. And dare I say it’s one of those days we should relish as an opportunity to...
I Ditched Perfection For A Work-In-Progress
14 June, 2018
The motivation behind my faith walk was all wrong until I ditched the “perfection chase” and embraced this powerful claim by the Apostle Paul: “I do not claim that I have already succeeded or have already become perfect. I keep striving to win the prize for which Christ Jesus has already won me to himself.” Philippians 3:12 GNT Paul is making it crystal clear that his life is a...
But What Will People Think Of Me?
12 June, 2018
It is not wrong to want people to like us, right? Of course not. But it is wrong when we care too much about what people think of us. This is a very common trap for Christians, but God says fearing man by seeking approval and avoiding rejection is WRONG. “It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the LORD, you are safe.” Proverbs 29:25 GNT ...
Farmers Are Patient, But It’s A Struggle For Me
09 June, 2018
One thing has become crystal clear from the time I have spent hanging out with farmers –they are experts at waiting. Heck, in most case it takes several years before a newly-planted crop produces its first bounty. Farmers have learned how to wait patiently–which is not an occasional thing, it’s an everyday thing. And when a crippling act of nature sidelines their harvest for a few years, waiting...
Playing Detective To Crack The “Faith-And-Works” Code
04 June, 2018
Early in my faith walk I struggled to figure out God’s “Faith-And-Works” Connection. Struggled to find clarity and balance. Struggled to reconcile being saved for Eternity and whether or not that meant I needed to serve others. Then God cleared it up by teaching me that faith and works cannot be separated. That once we make a commitment to grow in Christ after being saved by faith, good...
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