Who Do You Think You Are, Anyway!?
22 August, 2020
We all have bosses. The two-year-old who tests the boundaries set by well-meaning parents. The teenager managing her online profiles the way SHE thinks is best. The head-strong CEO who thinks he is boss of EVERYTHING—not just the business but his entire life (me early in my faith walk). Playing boss creeps into the life of every human being on...
Swimming In Self-Pity Does Not Beat The Heat
21 August, 2020
This just in from our global tribe of 771,000 online followers: “Mark, how do I know when I am legitimately sad and when I have self-pity?” This question does not come as a surprise to me at all. We are seeing an increase in self-produced pity around the world that “validates” negative circumstances and marinates our soul with hardships—past and present. The sin of SELF-PITY...
What Happened To The Christian Inciters?
20 August, 2020
There is a whole lotta inciting going on around the world today. Just watch the news or, better yet, grab your digital surfboard and jump on an internet wave to witness the reality of inciters revving up our CANCEL CULTURE to warp speed. incite / (inˈsaIt) / to stir up or provoke to action. Christians are being incited every day like everyone else on the planet. That part is clear. Less...
His Eating Disorder Kidnapped God
17 August, 2020
I spent most of my career as a corporate CEO working in the food sector of our economy ANTICIPATING the unforeseeable; managing the unimaginable; and dreaming the impossible. If I misdiagnosed the REAL PROBLEM and tried to fix the wrong thing, we would not “eat.” The same danger animated my faith walk. I was misdiagnosing the REAL PROBLEM and nearly succumbed to spiritual starvation by not knowing...
14 August, 2020
After relocating to the other side of America, a close friend of mine quickly learned that CHAMELEONS were everywhere! He was mesmerized by their ability to change colors based on their environment—from sunbathing on a dark wooden fence to lying in wait for dinner under a soft bed of green ferns. Google taught him that their skin does not change colors. Their camouflaging trick is the result of chemical...
Who Wants To Be A Loser On The World’s GAME-SHOW?
13 August, 2020
The world has become a cruel game show that NOBODY EVER WINS. Yet the line to be a contestant keeps growing longer and the yearning for its prizes continually gnaws at the hearts of would-be players. Millions of souls on this planet are attracted to this crazy game by the unfounded belief that winners get the right/perfect friends, jobs, and mates. The right/perfect car and mansion. The right/perfect...
I Just Missed The Greatest Opportunity Of My Life
10 August, 2020
We are all familiar with the tests, trials, tragedies, and tribulations of life. Despite the pain that accompanies them, they play an instrumental role in our spiritual growth IF we are spurred to place unconditional trust in God. The Lord of Heaven and earth uses our weaknesses on the darkest days of our life to perfect us in Christ. Another similar, but often overlooked, challenge are the MISSED...
Wanna Buy A Used Car With Low Mileage?
07 August, 2020
A good friend told me a powerful story yesterday that began with him buying a low-mileage car loaded with options and tricked with style. He recalled the positive vibe he had slipping out of the dealer’s parking lot in his new ride with 400 horses running under the hood. Little did he know that the good vibe would end quickly. His low-mileage prize was a LIE. He was a victim of the fraudulent “odometer...
That Compliment Shocked Me! What About You?
06 August, 2020
I was chatting yesterday with one of my closest friends on the planet–a very wise man and mature Christian–when he tossed me this sage and piercing insight: “Mark, The day I am not surprised by being praised is the day I know my humility is gone.” He is right. My version of the same point goes something like this: “I always want to be SHOCKED when...
Why Are You Always INTERROGATING Yourself?
03 August, 2020
We have all seen war and spy movies where one of the characters was harshly interrogated. The person being questioned is usually tied to a chair and bloodied with a slack chin drooping away from frantic and fearful eyes. These interrogations are always harsh, occasionally violent, and sometimes deadly. The one thing they all have in common is their intensity and the interrogator’s ruthlessness. ...
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