WIN The Fight To Activate Your Faith By NOT Fighting
30 October, 2020
Christians trying to ACTIVATE THEIR FAITH are engaged in a complex and complicated WAR that pushes us to “TRY HARD” and “FIGHT HARD” to win. I get it. But we should reconsider that TRY-HARD, FIGHT HARD approach by looking at the Chinese General Sun Tzu who crushed his enemy WITHOUT fighting. Sounds Christ-like, doesn’t it? It’s true that Christians trying to become FaithWalkers are in...
Our PLAN B Can Be God’s PLAN A
29 October, 2020
A couple of days ago when I was preparing to evacuate as fires burned toward our Southern California home, I tossed my first Bible–tattered but cherished by me—and my five-foot high stack of hand-written journals into my car’s boot. When the threat passed 24 hours later, I grabbed one of those journals and leafed through its coffee-stained pages from a time early in my faith walk. One of the...
Luke Skywalker is Cool, But FaithWalkers Are Powerful
28 October, 2020
Luke Skywalker’s famous line from the Star Wars canon–Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi, YOUR destiny—is profoundly and palpably powerful. But it cannot stand up against the Bible’s insightful FaithWalker verse: “For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 One of the most important lessons I learned as a new Christian was to be a FaithWalker. Looking...
His FAITH PRE-MORTEM Showed Disease Forming
27 October, 2020
I use PROSPECTIVE HINDSIGHT to increase my ability as a CEO to identify risks on the road ahead. Then I turn this thinking into a PRE-MORTEM to imagine why a project has “failed” even though it has not started. With that information in hand, I work back to determine what could be done–before beginning–to avoid the negative outcome. To make this easy, think of a PRE-MORTEM...
YOLO And NetFlix Are Ruling The World!
26 October, 2020
Here are three of the most popular lines used by Millennials: “Sorry, Not Sorry.” “Let’s Netflix and Chill.” “Avocado Toast Beats A Mortgage.” But the most pervasive thread running through that generation is the pop-culture idiom YOLO—You Only Live Once. AVOCADO TOAST may have an exclusive connection to Millennials, but they do not have 100% ownership of YOLO. Their co-owners include...
Two Words That Christians FEAR The Most—FEAR NOT
23 October, 2020
FEAR NOT. QUICK! What just went through your mind in response to those two words? Were your thoughts mostly POSITIVE on viewing “Fear Not” as a safe refuge from the world’s uncertainty? Or did your mind cough up something NEGATIVE that looked at “Fear Not” as an impossibility in your life today? A quick review of past comments from our global online...
Have You Ever Prayed “AS IF” God Would Answer?
22 October, 2020
This just in from our global tribe of nearly 900,000 online followers: When I pray, I don’t expect God to answer me. Where am I messing up? This is a great question that applies to any Christian who prays with at least a little DOUBT. And that’s all of us at one time or another, to one degree or another. Praying with conscious or subconscious DOUBT has dangerous outcomes:...
21 October, 2020
Yesterday we were playing hockey on a FROZEN LAKE. Today we’re hiking on a MOUNTAIN TRAIL in the same “majestic Sierra’s” where I crashed through thin ice into the frigid water. This hike does NOT feature a near-death story. It was memorable because of WHEN we decided to abort the hike. We turned back in the shank of a SUNNY and splendid spring morning at the base of SLIDE MOUNTAIN,...
I Almost Died One Day On A FROZEN LAKE
20 October, 2020
I almost died one winter day as a 13-year-old playing ice hockey with my older brother Miles on a frozen lake in Nevada’s majestic Sierra Mountains. The last thing I remember is chasing an errant puck toward the middle of the lake, hitting thin ice, and then plunging into the frigid abyss. I can still recall the sound of ice breaking like glass and the bone-chilling cold that seized my body. But most...
Who You Gonna’ Believe?
19 October, 2020
This just in from our global online tribe: I want to activate my faith like you write so much about, but every day I think thoughts that tell me it’s impossible. What does that say about my faith? This is a great question that says nothing more about your faith than you are an imperfect human trying to follow God in a broken world–like all of us. It also puts a spotlight on one...
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