No, You Cannot Manufacture Kindness!
18 March, 2021
We’re a couple of weeks into exploring the need to recognize our INADEQUACY without God and I can feel the Holy Spirit working in my life and in the lives of many other members of this ministry’s 1.2 million-strong global online tribe. The comments and questions that are coming in bear that out. Here’s an interesting one: “I am beginning to trust God more than me, but even though I’m trying hard,...
What Is The Desire Beneath Your Desire?
17 March, 2021
One of the biggest BARRIERS to recognizing our INADEQUACY without God is wrapped up in our DESIRE. But it is not the obvious, on-the-surface signs and symbols of our desire. You know…things like playing boss of our life. Chasing money and success. Pursuing pleasure and power. No, not that kind of desire. I’m talking about the desire beneath our desire. In other words, what is the desire...
16 March, 2021
Earlier in my faith walk I thought God’s peace and joy would appear instantly and automatically. I had no idea that Christians could have UNDIGESTED SADNESS that prevents them from fully realizing the amazing power and peace of walking with God. Back then I asked myself this question many times: “Why Am I Still Sad?” Another “spiritual misread” on my part was thinking it was possible...
Want “GOD FOCUS”? Put Intention Before Attention.
15 March, 2021
Christians everywhere are fighting a force most of us cannot see. It is a two-headed challenge we all face: Living with spiritual INTENTION—focused commitment–and not have it be derailed by our worldly INATTENTION. Beating back the world’s distractions and committing to an intentional focus on Christ is one tough job. It’s a silly understatement to say we are living...
I Missed The BUS And Did NOT Cry Even One Tear
12 March, 2021
I have no idea why the notion of MISSING THE BUS consumed me with my first breath this morning and then shot forward like a rocket when a jolt of java delivered its brewed energy. Perhaps MISSING THE BUS came from the busload of youngsters—masked but still giddy—I saw on the way to this one-room wilderness cabin housing me to work on my book for a couple of days. But forget about the...
11 March, 2021
Are you still feeling ADEQUATE? Are you still wanting to be the BOSS of your life? Are you still thinking it IS possible to be partially connected to God? If the answer to any of those questions is YES or MAYBE, please join ME and you’ll be in the right spot. Here’s why… We’re only one third the way into this month’s hyper-focus on the spiritual imperative of recognizing our INADEQUACY...
Which HORSE Will You Ride To YOUR Next Battle?
10 March, 2021
Early in my faith walk I had no idea how DAMAGING it was to get MY OWN horses ready for the battles of life and think it was not only sufficient, but “the best way to go.” Recognizing my INADEQUACY without God wasn’t even a seed that could grow. It did not exist in me. Moving down my spiritual road a piece has brought my INADEQACY without God into essential focus. Though full of pain,...
Do You Have A Boss? Are You Sure?
09 March, 2021
We all have bosses. The two-year-old who tests the boundaries set by well-meaning parents. The teenager managing his online profiles the way HE thinks is the best. The head-strong CEO who thinks he is boss of EVERYTHING—not just the business, but his entire life (ME early in my faith walk). Playing boss creeps into the life of every human being on planet earth. It is inevitable that...
I Could NEVER Pass Out Bibles From A Bicycle
08 March, 2021
Failing to recognize our INADEQUACY without God is the first step on the road to naming ourselves “BOSS.” But what goes through the mind of a Christian before rejecting God and embracing the lie that they can be the boss of their life? They play the NEVER song over and over in their mind: I will NEVER be good enough for God to forgive my past. God will NEVER use me to build-up his Kingdom...
I Tried To Draw A Line Through My SELF
05 March, 2021
RECOGNIZING OUR INADEQUACY without God is not a “one and done” exercise. We must work on it EVERY DAY. I learned that lesson the hard way early in my faith walk. It was a time that had me searching for an EASY way to fire myself as boss and promote God to be the CEO of my life. I wanted to draw a line through the word SELF; but did not know how to pull it off. It took far too long, but...
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