Mark Affleck


Are YOU Listening More Than Talking? Are You Sure?

A change of plans met me very early on this chilly February morning while I was towing a cup of Joe from the kitchen to my laptop. I intended to write a very specific message that has been rattling around in my head for weeks. But that plan was interrupted by a recent and haunting memory of Christians not listening to one another. There was no argument. In fact, nobody said a word about the lack of...

Have YOU Taken Your “Uncertainty Pulse” Recently

A QUICK CHALLENGE FOR YOU TODAY    Our culture tells us to endure the constant pressure of life’s uncertainty and to keep trying hard so we can eventually prevail. It’s nonsense and simply not true. Get ready, you’re about to test your uncertainty.    God says uncertainty is unacceptable, yet we still fall prey to its powerful force and a natural, human reaction to our surroundings...

It Does NOT Matter If YOU Are Up Or Down

Before I explain why it does not matter if you are up or down, I want to give you an update on an exciting shift we’re making for this BLOG. It’s in response to input from our global online tribe asking for a combination of THREE content deliveries: 1) Short messages; 2) Full-length blogs (like you’ve been getting here); and 3) Videos. Starting tomorrow Wednesday 2.16.22, content for this blog will...
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I Tried To Pull a Rabbit Out of My Hat

Earlier in my faith walk, rushes of hopelessness engulfed my soul. I was depressed. Sad. Depleted. Now that I think about it, I was hopeless. It wasn’t long before I was trying frantically to “pull a rabbit out of my hat” to make the pain stop.    It was sheer nonsense, of course, but that was my approach, nonetheless. I was trying to play God using the world’s rulebook and it failed....
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Are YOU Bathing in the Warmth of SELF-PITY?

SPIRITUAL LONELINESS—feeling separated or distant from God–is not just the absence of joy; it’s the pain of separation from the Lord and others. On the coin’s positive flip side is how SPIRITUAL LONELINESS can push us toward a deeper and more authentic relationship with God where we can fight off feeling lonely and experience relational balance with him and others. But we must first CLOSE THE...


Early in my faith walk I did everything I could to IGNORE and cover up my weaknesses through faces and facades. Money and materialism. Power and pride. But when my spiritual maturity deepened and I drew ever closer to Christ walking with Jesus every day, something odd and wonderful happened. I became INSPIRED by my WEAKNESSES.    How could that be?    “That is why, for Christ’s...

YOU May Fear Man and NEVER Know It

I saw many interesting things yesterday on my drive from Yosemite National Park to Southern California. All I had to do was pay attention and look out the window. And that got me thinking about Christians driving through life missing signs that are “hidden in plain sight.” It’s what I call the PRAISE FROM PEOPLE lifestyle. Christians everywhere on planet earth “playing the part” of a believer following...
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Are You Counting Your Wounds Or Your Blessings?

We need to count our blessings every day, right? OF COURSE! But if we’re not vigilant and paying very close attention, human nature will steer our focus away from BLESSINGS and move it toward WOUNDS. And if we’re SPIRITUALLY LONELY—separated or distant from God—counting our blessings will seem IMPOSSIBLE.    Once that happens, wounds and worries have a way of hijacking our thoughts and prevent...

Healthy AMBITION Changed Everything

I’ve been driven by AMBITION my entire life. It started in elementary school trying to dominate recess. Expanded while performing on the football field in high school and college. And exploded in the marketplace as an ambitious corporate CEO trying to get a piece of everything the world offered. My chase for worldly AMBITION ended unceremoniously after realizing I had never included the strong desire...

What was the First LIE You Ever Believed?

What was the first LIE you believed in your life? Everything can be perfect. It’s possible to live a problem-free life without pain. Relationships will never have strife. This list is long, so I’ll stop here and insert what I feel is the most destructive LIE we believe when we experience the reality of a broken world:    I am alone.    This is the LIE we believe when ALL those...
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