Do You Believe That You’ll Never Amount To Anything?
02 May, 2022
“You’ll Never Amount To Anything.” You may not have heard those exact words spoken in that exact way, but I would guess all of us have heard that message in one form or another at some stage in our life. I certainly have. Both as a kid and later as an adult Christian falling prey to the dark voices pinging my inner ear and piercing my fragile heart. Hearing that damning message, in any...
No, You Cannot Manufacture Kindness!
02 May, 2022
Early in my faith walk, I thought KINDNESS was “being nice” to people. Of course that’s true, but Christian kindness has so much more depth and meaning. We need to ask Jesus to understand what that brand of kindness looks like. Let’s start with what kindness is for a Christian. Jesus modeled kindness as a character trait that came out of him every day of his ministry. Even while suffering...
I Spent 10 Years In The PRIDE SWAMP
02 May, 2022
Recognizing our INADEQUACY without God is a SPIRITUAL IMPERATIVE, right? Yes, it is. And one of the most menacing roadblocks to that end is PRIDE. PRIDE is a swamp with percolating quicksand teeming with alligators. A swamp that triggers a welter of bad thoughts and bad behaviors. A swamp where pain and despair keep us from: 1) Recognizing our INADEQUACY without God, and 2) Being transformed...
I Thought the Holy Spirit was a MYSTERIOUS Force
28 April, 2022
Early in my faith walk I used to think the Holy Spirit was a mysterious force that had little to do with my faith. Talk about MISSING THE MARK. But that’s ok because God showed me the truth and I have not been the same ever since. Seriously. It seems like the Holy Spirit gets less attention than God the Father and Jesus the Son. I’ve had that thought numerous times and I know others have,...
Who Is MY God, and YOUR God, Anyway?
26 April, 2022
This recurring question was peeking at me through today’s new dawn as it faithfully unwrapped its fresh dose of radiant hope: “WHO IS MY GOD, ANYWAY?” Why is waking up to this particular thought not a surprise to me? Because even the most mature Christians periodically ask themselves that question. It’s a POSITIVE sign that we are craving to know more about the Lord of Heaven and earth....
Have YOU Escaped To The Balcony in 2022?
21 April, 2022
Retreating to the balcony has dramatically changed my walk with Christ and TRANSFORMED my life. Will YOU take the BALCONY CHALLENGE for 2022 and record what you see below? The story is built around a balcony metaphor and pivots off God’s command for self-examination to “search me and know my heart” (Psalm 139:23). For me, going up on a metaphorical balcony and looking down...
Do YOU Answer a Hard Knock on YOUR Door?
19 April, 2022
My thoughts today are bouncing like a tormented pinball between this glorious spring morning unwrapping its beauty for the day AND what seems to be a RISE in the “ANGST LEVEL” in Christians worldwide. I can see it in the hundreds of comments coming into this ministry. My gut says “c’mon, Mark, it’s ALWAYS been like this…we live on earth, not in heaven.” Of course that’s TRUE. ...
How will YOU Keep Easter 2022 from “Getting Old”?
14 April, 2022
I gave myself a huge CHALLENGE this Easter and I’d like YOU to consider taking it on, too. Here’s the story to set the stage for a unique and powerful approach to the most significant day on any calendar on planet earth… Holy Week has historical and life-changing significance because it is the story of Jesus beginning—and completing–his journey to the Cross on our behalf. That’s...
Did You Wake Up Today Thinking GOD is GOOD?
12 April, 2022
I did NOT wake up today thinking this specific line: “God is Good” even though I KNOW he is. Like millions of other Christians, I use that line “God is Good” occasionally to acknowledge something he has done. Of course that’s great. But I want to REGULARLY claim “God is Good” over and over again. Especially at the start of every day. “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” Psalm...
I Did Something Yesterday I Pledged To NEVER Do
07 April, 2022
I bought a YELLOW CHAIR yesterday after pledging for over 30 years to never, ever make that purchase. You are no doubt wondering right now how buying a yellow chair could ever rise to being worthy of a blog? Let me explain. The chair is for our house. But that’s NOT the story here. This story is about how early in my faith walk I allowed an ugly YELLOW CHAIR to control my...
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