Mark Affleck

I Shelved God’s Truth For The Future And Crashed

August 9, 2018
Spiritual Growth

God’s truths are not to be shelved for the future! The Holy Spirit speaks in the PRESENT TENSE, and that’s why we are to respond immediately. Every command of Scripture calls for immediate obedience. Take a look:
“If you hear God’s voice today, do not be stubborn, as your ancestors were when they rebelled against God, as they were that day in the desert when they put him to the test.” Hebrews 3:7-8 GNT
God uses the word “Today” to convey the need for our immediate response.
We need to have an ear for the voice of God who is imploring us to forget about tomorrow and give him our immediate attention. Any and all delays in doing that grieve the Lord. In fact, there is great danger in delaying.  It will always be a higher hurdle to respond to God later than it is to respond now.
The responsibility of all believers starts when we hear God’s voice. Yet many of us try to evade the responsibility by saying, “I never heard God.”
It’s tough, I get it!
Hearing God speak to us seldom comes to us as a bolt of light or big bang with full clarity. Hearing God requires our daily commitment to read his Word and make a personal connection with him through prayer and petition. Hearing God is a matter of living out our faith at a higher level of consecration and unwavering dedication to Christ.
Of course our immediately obedience to God’s urgings will produce discomfort and uncertainty and worry. But it’s worth it every time.
I ask God to give me the strength to make a personal connection with him every day…always.
Is God speaking to you today? Right now, perhaps?

“Don’t let yourself go to sleep or even stop to rest.” Proverbs 6:4 


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