Christians are NOT Growing in 2024! That was my conclusion this past weekend when I realized how little spiritual maturity was being talked about in these days of modernity and convenience. Here’s my outlier view on why this is the case: Our sophisticated and comfortable lifestyle–with the internet and artificial intelligence seemingly able to answer or cure or address anything—makes it difficult to subordinate ourselves to anything.
OK…fair enough. That’s REALITY and it raises this imperative–Christians must ACTIVATE THEIR FAITH!
My life’s purpose and this ministry’s mission is to remind believers that spiritual maturity is much less about the things we do and everything about our commitment to surrender everything to the Lord of Heaven and earth. That spiritual growth is about glorifying God, not elevating ourselves. And that spiritual maturity is a LIFE-LONG PROCESS.
Here’s the critically-important question: “How do we grow spiritually?”
While we don’t grow in Christ under our own power, accelerating and maximizing our spiritual maturity comes when we are intentional about activating our faith. But getting that done is never easy. There are OBSTACLES everywhere. I’ll tackle one of the most important here in this message: Not UNDERSTANDING God’s call for us to grow spiritually.
It may sound silly, but there are many Christians who accept Christ and think “OK, I’m all set.”
Yes, God saves us when we make that commitment to surrender our life to Jesus. He snatches us out of the world’s darkness and brings us into his Kingdom’s light. But if we’re not paying attention to his Word and the nudging of God’s Holy Spirit, it’s easy to miss his direction to GROW SPIRITUALLY.
“From the very beginning God decided that those who came to him, should become like his Son.” Romans 8:29
I understand how this happens to new believers because it happened to ME. I had no idea God had installed in me my very own spiritual nature, breathed into my bones by the Holy Spirit. I was surrounded by an unfamiliar landscape with no idea how to navigate the unknown and uncertain territory.
After salvation, Christians are wandering in new and unknown territory. Suddenly vulnerable to an Enemy that seeks to attack us like a lion stalking a new-born gazelle struggling to find traction in the Serengeti soil.
Many Christians have their faith frozen in that salvation moment if they don’t pray for and move toward understanding that God wants them to build their faith and grow closer to him. That’s why I ask God to give me strength and resolve to identify the obstacles that are keeping me from growing closer to him.
Are you being intentional about overcoming the OBSTACLES that would limit or stop your spiritual growth?
“Guard my words as your most precious possession. Write them down, and also keep them deep within your heart.” Proverbs 7:2-3
“Those who are always meditating on His Laws are like trees along a river bank bearing fruit, they never wither and whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1:2-3
“Be a good workman. Know what His Word says and means.” 2 Timothy 2:15