Mark Affleck

I Thought We Either Were Obedient Or Not

August 6, 2018
Spiritual Growth

Learning to obey God takes practice under the always mounting difficulties of life and in response to more and more requests for our time, attention, and heart. Learning to obey God is not a one-time anointing. Learning to obey God is a PROCESS.

Growth in Christ produces spiritual maturity that is then fueled by what the book of Hebrews led me to call “Learning Obedience.” Take a look…
“But even though he was God’s Son, he learned through his sufferings to be obedient. When he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him…” Hebrews 5:8-9
Learning Obedience is the capacity to handle life’s difficult circumstances with the surrendered heart God’s redemptive power and grace made possible.
As our spiritual muscles grow and mature, we learn to obey just like Jesus did in his earthly walk. We learn to obey like Jesus in order to suffer well, but we also learn to obey like Jesus by suffering well.
Learning to obey comes when we recognize the essence of being satisfied through Christ and not the world. That allows us to make it through life’s challenges and, at the same time, grow in Christ so we are ever more equipped to help others know God or get closer to the Lord of Heaven and earth.
It’s a matter of subordinating our own desires and living to be giving without anticipation or expectation of receiving anything in return. That’s a tough job to be sure. But is definitely possible by looking at the challenges we face as stepping stones on our spiritual walk of faith.
I ask God to help me continue to give more and more control of my life to him and exhibit less and less evidence of me trying to do it on my own.
What learning does your obedience need today?
“You are my friends if you do what I command.” John 15:14

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