Mark Affleck


May 18, 2021
Spiritual Growth

This just in from our global online tribe: “I actively read and post Christian content but it does not feel spiritually authentic to me like the subject you have been writing about. It’s discouraging.”
Social media is NOT a bad thing for Christian content and spiritual growth. In fact, it can be a very powerful tool. My ministry was built solely on social media platforms.
But posting a “spiritual” TikTok video—by itself–does not activate or strengthen someone’s SPIRITUAL AUTHENTICITY in Christ. We fall into that trap when our thinking goes into the danger zone like this:
Just post something happy and “spiritual” on TikTok and watch your pain retreat—like a wave smacking the shore and slunking back to whence it came. You will feel better and people around you will see authenticity in your faith walk.
HERE’S THE POINT: This kind of activity does not and can NEVER replace: Time in God’s Word and praying every day; and living out our faith in “real life” with real people.
I’m not picking on TikTok. Replace TikTok with another similar action—anything superficial that provides a quick surge of good feelings in you and what you think will be a positive spiritual vibe for others to see—and you’ll end up stalled in the same spiritual cul-de-sac. 
All believers want—really want—to live with SPIRITUAL AUTHENTICITY in Christ. But that will not come without a deep commitment; and it can never be MANUFACTURED on our own.
The reason why it’s tempting for Christians to look for an “easy” pathway to SPIRITUAL AUTHENTICITY is because it’s NOT easy! Jesus lived the only truly authentic life in the history of everything.
It’s IMPOSSIBLE to live with SINLESS PERFECTION. But it is POSSIBLE to set our sights on spiritual authenticity in Christ and then strive to reach that goal. It’s about having the MINDSET of Christ and realizing we will stumble. That’s OK. When that happens we ask God for forgiveness and restoration so he can send us back out more committed to emulate Christ.
I ask God to stop me when I’m tempted to manufacture spiritual authenticity. And when that temptation surfaces, to give me the strength to imbue my mind and heart with his Word and let that transform my faith walk in a spiritually-authentic way.
Are you trying to manufacture SPIRITUAL AUTHENTICITY or going to God’s Word to allow him to transform your faith walk?
“We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are— yet was without sin.” Hebrews 4:15

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