Mark Affleck

Will You PASS The Biggest FEAR TEST Of Your Life?

April 3, 2020
Spiritual Growth

Our level of FEAR during the CoronaVirus crisis:  

  • Reveals the sturdiness of our faith’s foundation.

  • Forces us to confront reality.

  • Tests our calling by God.

We are in a war right now with CoronaVirus and our LEVEL OF FEAR will play a dominant role in determining how Christians come out of the mayhem.
Let’s start with GOD’S IDEAL position for his believers to take in the CoronaVirus war zone—TO BE UNAFRAID, TO VANQUISH FEAR.

  • God wants us to respect but be UNAFRAID of the health threats.
  • God wants us to acknowledge but be UNAFRAID of the financial dangers.
  • God wants us to consider but be UNAFRAID of impacts on our way of life.

How do we put a restraining order on fear? By listening to God speaking through the Apostle Paul’s promise to the Romans:

“We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Of course we need to read this verse over and over to lift our mood. But we also must allow it to flood our mind and heart and spirit with its PROMISE.
It’s comforting to know God PROMISES to work through this challenge for our good. But the deeper dimension is committing to the back end of Romans 8:28 and be a believer CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE.
“Be diligent to confirm your calling and election.” 2 Peter 1:10
If we accept his calling for us to flee the darkness for his light, all CONDEMNATION is removed by Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary and we are free of fear.
Even when the world is at war with CoronaVirus.
I know this CoronaVirus crisis is really, in the end, a test of how much I fear the virus versus my level of trust in God. I want to vanquish fear by trusting him and his promise that all things work together for good for those who love him.
Will you pass the biggest FEAR TEST of your life?
“We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

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