Mark Affleck

I Used To Avoid Pain, Now I Allow God To Use It

March 3, 2018
Spiritual Growth

Pain is a multi-layered, correcting force that sounds the warning alarm when something is wrong. Earlier in my faith walk I tried to avoid it at all costs. I learned later that God allows pain and wants to use it for good.

When we spend time is pain’s furnace and find God to be real and true, we are instantly equipped for ministry. But not “just” equipped. We also take on a responsibility in the pain transaction–a sacred responsibility, actually–to search out hurting people who need us to show them the way to Christ.
God does not want us to merely endure our suffering, he wants it to help us learn from him and comfort others.  
To do that, we need to intentionally put our pain experiences into an “inventory” system and then watch for opportunities from God to help others.
Give it a try. My bet is that it won’t be long before you spot a candidate to fulfill your sacred responsibility. 
I ask God to help me sense his comforting hand in the midst of my pain and use it as an opportunity to help others and refine my character in Christ.


What specific pain have you endured that God could use to help someone else?

 “…who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4

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