Mark Affleck


March 5, 2018
Spiritual Growth

I lived for many years with a self-destructive “NEGATIVITY FORCE” roiling in my head and creating a barrier between me and God. The noisy and painful narrative that invaded my mind took the form of thoughts like:

  • This can never and will never change.

  • I’m the victim and it is their fault.

  • Eventually, they will reject me.

As the NEGATIVITY FORCE gained velocity with every revolution, it became more difficult for me to move toward God and I actually perpetuated the destructive cycle.

I was not a victim of the Voice Villain. I was his accomplice!

The voice villain has convinced us we can’t be like the “good Christians” we idealize and put on a pedestal. We wonder why God would have a plan for us, with all of our weakness and pain. We wonder why God would want to use our failures, imperfections, and inadequacies.
But God does not ask us to destroy all of the darkness and chase away the smoke created by the voice villain. He asks us rely on him to push aside the negativity.
I ask God to help me reject the negativity that comes from listening to the Voice Villain and prevents me from seeing that the idealized, perfect Christian is an illusion. To remind me that his plan for my life is precisely to use my failures and weaknesses to show me how much I need him.
What negative thought or theme does God want you to hand over to him today?
“But Jesus looked at them and said, with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

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