God made us to doubt ourselves and never doubt HIS TRUTH, but today we have that script playing in REVERSE! We are focused on ME, ME, ME and easily forget about the Lord’s divine plan for our life. The result of living for ME, ME, ME? It is impossible to meet our spiritual imperative (what must be done) of REJECTING THE WORLD.
Make no mistake, humility does not come easily. Our earthly desires scream out for the power and pleasure that comes from pride. And nothing makes the enemy happier than seeing this arrogance.
We need to REWRITE the HUMILITY script in our life.
We can reverse our warped view of humility by switching from a me-focus to an others-focus and discover that God takes care of our needs and worries–all of them.
Humility is driven by our subordination to God in Christ and knowing that we are dependent on his grace for everything.
eve·ry·thing = all things.
It is the poverty of spirit Jesus talks about in Matthew 5:3 (below) and the foundation of our spiritual growth that leaps forward when we understand who we are in relation to who God is.
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and set aside the understanding of the scholars.” 1 Corinthians 1:19
The gospel, not human wisdom, is the power and promise of God. This GOOD NEWS has always been, and will always be, foolishness to those who do not believe. They simply lock out the message and move on in life to take care of ME, ME, ME.
In contrast, the message of Christ has always been, and will always be, a true and dependable foundation that serves as a comforting and compelling north star for those who believe. Those who are engulfed by the Holy Spirit and receive the gospel are recipients of this gift and its glorious benefits for eternity.
It is the ticket to humility and the engine and fuel to REJECT THE WORLD.
To receive the benefits of God’s message and live a life of humility we just need to believe, trust, and obey God. And REJECT THE WORLD.
I ask God to help me always doubt ME and never doubt HIM and HIS divine plan for my life.
How can you reduce your me-focus and increase your others-focus?
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3