Mark Affleck

I Fell Into The “Be Nice” Trap

Earlier in my walk with God I lacked spiritual muscles and discipline. And I lacked wisdom. I lacked understanding. To fill the void of truth, my only default was to play the Be Nice Game. Let me explain…    Playing the Be Nice Game was a trap for me who wanted to do the right thing, but didn’t know what that looked like. I wanted to be treated well and figured that would happen if I treated...

They Stole My Identity!

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes on the planet. Every day, thousands of people become members of this dubious fraternity.    That’s an alarming trend, of course. But there’s another form of identity theft that is also exploding in our midst. A form with far more ominous and destructive consequences. A form with life and death ramifications. It’s the theft of our identity...

Hey, God..Sorry I Didn’t Show Up

Have you ever said that about your effort to spend time with God on a daily basis?    Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to be spiritually consistent?    Have you ever thought being consistent with your connection to God would never happen?    If you have, in one sense, that’s a good thing. Really! It’s a good thing because it demonstrates that you are in touch...

I Was In A Torture Chamber

No matter how much pain you are in right now, God is with you and wants to transform your life. How do I know that? From first-hand experience coming out of my own walk with Christ.    This story is just one example from earlier in my life when I was a Corporate CEO. I was fighting a two-year battle with listlessness and fatigue. I was deeply depressed, agitated, stressed, constantly weary,...

Are You Moving The Dirt?

No, not literally. My question is really about making our faith journey an exploration. Here’s the story.    This idea came to me while I was building our house and watching a huge earthmover eat through ruts, trees, and concrete as it rumbled across the property. Before the operator started, I asked him how he knew where to begin and what to do with so many unknowns in his path. He told...

Straight To The Roar!

The lion kingdom is ruled by the monarchy system. There is a single ruler of every pride. As that ruler ages, the other dominant lions make their bid for his throne. In the first part of the ruler’s final life stage, he is able to ward off the threats—even though his teeth might be falling out. Finally, at some point, the king lion cannot sustain his power, and he yields to a new leader.    Is...

God Could Never Use ME...No Way

God could never forgive my past. I didn’t go to seminary and I’m no theologian. Deep down I’m just no good…God can’t use Have you ever had thoughts like those?    I certainly have, and they produced a painful cycle of despair where I felt inadequate in God’s eyes. I felt guilty, too, because I hadn’t prayed. I hadn’t read the Bible. I hadn’t “been good.” Those crazy thoughts led me to...


What I’m about to share with you has dramatically changed my walk with Christ and I’d even say transformed my life. That’s how important this story is to me; and my prayer is that it resonates with you.    The story is built around a balcony metaphor and pivots off God’s instruction to examine ourselves to “search me and know my heart” (Psalm 139:23). The way I do that in my life is inspired...

What Will You Paint On Your 2017 Canvas?

As 2016 begins its final fade to black, I am mindful of the fresh canvas God gives us for a new year brimming with its inspirational promises and powerful rush of hope. What a blessing!    The fresh canvas that just peeked over the horizon this month is the same fresh canvas of forgiveness and grace that God gives us every day. It’s God’s fresh canvas to be forgiven and look forward with...

7 Steps To Love God More and Fear Less in 2017

As 2016 begins its final fade to black, I am mindful of the fresh canvas God gives us for a new year brimming with its inspirational promises and powerful rush of hope. What a blessing!    It is that fresh canvas that prompted me to develop the following seven steps to loving God more and fearing less in 2017. These seven steps will be the foundation of my new series called LGFN Life! that...
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