Two Words Christians Fear The Most—FEAR NOT
07 July, 2022
FEAR NOT. QUICK! What just went through your mind in response to those two words? Were your thoughts mostly POSITIVE on viewing “Fear Not” as a safe refuge from the world’s uncertainty? Or did your mind cough up something NEGATIVE that looked at “Fear Not” as an impossibility in your life today? A quick review of past comments from our global online tribe revealed that about 80% of the...
Did God Tell YOU to Relax on July 4th?
05 July, 2022
Yesterday’s celebration of America’s independence was different for me. Of course it was precious family time with incredible aromas spewing forth from my overworked barbeque. But here’s what was gnawing at my psyche and tugging on my soul: The world is quickly running out of PATIENCE like a kid runs out of nickels on his first run to the mini mart. This inexorable march of IMPATIENCE has been...
Why are Millions of Christians NUMB on June 30, 2022?
01 July, 2022
I see a troubling pattern coming out of comments from our global online tribe–NUMBNESS. It’s not really depression. It’s not really sadness. It’s not really hopelessness. It feels more like: “My faith walk is INACTIVE because I’m NUMB.” I’ve been feeling a little of that lately myself. It’s hard to put a finger on it other than to say we all seem...
Yesterday Tested Me in More Ways Than I Can Count
17 June, 2022
There are bad days, really bad days, and occasionally horrible days. Well…I would have to consider yesterday, a sunny day smack dab in the middle of June, horrible because it seemed to feature some kind of challenge from every role I play in my life. Earlier in my faith walk these horrible days would knock me out like a punch from Mike Tyson in his prime. Yesterday was different. It was still...
31 May, 2022
Fastening the two words SIMPLE and DIFFICULT together presents a whopping contradiction, right? Of course. But scratching through that surface observation reveals a pairing that makes a powerful point for our faith walk. Consider this… SIMPLE The SIMPLE part of this story is acknowledging the pernicious power lurking in the bowels of Satan’s stadium of darkness. Most Christians have little difficulty...
29 May, 2022
Hey Mark…are you ever SAD for no apparent reason?” That’s a common question tossed my way by members of our global online tribe. My answer is always the same: “Of course.” But I’ve been waiting for one of those SAD moments that God might use to help others. That opportunity came YESTERDAY when I roused my weary bones from a very rare restless night of unsettled discomfort. I woke up with a twinge...
Was God in Texas This Week?
27 May, 2022
I won’t even try to express the pain in my heart and in all Americans after Tuesday’s mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas that extinguished 21 precious souls—two teachers and 19 grade-school kids a couple of days away from summer vacation. I cannot count the number of comments this ministry has received expressing grief, anger, and confusion. Some of the comments, in one form or another, are tethered...
God Told Me To Use-It-Or-Lose-It in the Aegean Sea
20 May, 2022
I just returned from spending a couple of weeks in Europe–my first vacation in seven years—and want to share something that God grabbed my attention with along the way. It’s a new way of looking at a verse I have read many hundreds of times: “A sensible person gathers the crops when they are ready; it is a disgrace to sleep through the time of harvest.” Proverbs 10:5 (GNT) This verse showed...
Is Your FAITH ANCHOR In The Water Or In The Boat?
02 May, 2022
A shallow FAITH ANCHOR–or worse, one that stays in the boat—makes it difficult to fully believe that God is in control and we aren’t. And it produces two very real THREATS to our walk with God: 1) It makes it more difficult to fight through the challenges of life; and 2) It makes it more difficult to model Christ in a way that helps others reject Satan’s lies and endure the tests and trials...
Are You CURIOUS About What You DON’T Know?
02 May, 2022
Early in my faith walk, I was NOT curious about ANYTHING related to God. I was too busy chasing prestige and power. Money and mansions. Success and satisfaction. Looking back on that now prompts me to ask myself when my curiosity died. cu·ri·ous: eager to know or learn something. God gives children a natural curiosity about life and its wonder. He gives them...
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