Mark Affleck

I Spent Time With God, But Didn’t Listen To Him

The time I spent with God early in my faith walk was nothing more than transactional dance of checking a box on my self-made spiritual to-do list. God’s perfect perspective has shown me that this shallow and misguided approach was my way of feeling better about my faith and connection with Jesus. And it got progressively worse.    My emptiness persisted even when I started reading the Bible...

A 500 Horse-Power Sports Car Was Not Enough

Have you ever taken the time to think about the word ENOUGH? Not just the definition and what it means generally, but how it influences and animates your life. Your faith walk. Your ability to understand how God wants to use you for his Kingdom.  “You don’t have enough” is nothing more than a lie from the dark voice whispering in our ear. Its premise pivots off the promise that happiness is correlative...

My Broken Heart Got Me Into An Exclusive Club

Have you ever felt like there was a hole in your heart? That the weight of your emotional distress made it impossible to stand up, let alone move? That it felt like you were a million miles from God? I have, and it’s horrible. When I was chasing money and success, the stress became debilitating and caused much pain in my life. But setting aside all of that anguish, I can say without equivocation that...

You Mean I’m Not a “Good Christian”?

Early in my faith walk I thought the feelings of hopelessness that emasculated my identity in Christ were the result of me not being like the “good Christians” who never entertained a dark thought or made a mistake. I had it wrong. Here’s the story… With that disconcerting backdrop of doubt and uncertainty, my only conclusion was that I had fallen short of becoming one of the so-called “good Christians”...

Have You Ever Waved A White Flag?

Of course I didn’t literally wave a white flag. But the result was as if I had done just that because I fully surrendered to God and gave up trying to be the boss. It changed my life. Transformed my faith. Erased my hopelessness. I almost missed this miracle by mistakenly thinking for many years that my surrender had already been recorded! That I had fully yielded everything to God. That I was...

Need A Breakthrough? Then Today IS The Day!

Getting to a “God Breakthrough” is birthed by the enemy’s opposition! The need for a breakthrough could be in a damaged relationship, personal hang-up, habit or hurt, medical emergency, or some kind of financial crisis…to name a microscopic few from the seemingly endless list. That is the reality we get with life on earth. So the big question in our breakthrough quest is where to...

I Let The Gators Rip Me Apart

For me early in my faith walk, FEAR was my swamp of alligators. And I didn’t stand a chance of coming out in one piece. And I didn’t. My life was full of anxiety and confusion. It was horrible. Attacks by fear and the darkness triggered a torrent of debilitating pain coursing through me that eventually strangled my hope. No wonder I drifted away from God and into a fog of hopelessness.    But...

I Was Living With An EMPTY Glass

Allowing negativity to “hang around” causes us to view life as “HALF-EMPTY” and assume God doesn’t care about us. That’s NONSENSE!  At minimum, he wants us to live a “HALF-FULL” life. There was a time early in my faith walk when I WISHED my glass was half empty!    It was bone dry. I was living with an EMPTY GLASS! Looking at those words now prompts a chuckle, but that belies the pain...

Are You Making Your Pain “Pay Off”?

That sounds odd, doesn’t it? Making pain “pay off” seems a bit crazy when you consider that we go to great lengths every day to AVOID pain! Who “signs up” for pain, right? Not me, and I suspect not you, either.    The reality is that pain is definitely part of life on this side of the heavenly divide. And this is where making pain pay off comes into the picture. God does not want us to merely...

I Was Faking My Faith

No matter how much pain you are in right now, God is with you and wants to transform your life. I know that to be true from FIRST-HAND EXPERIENCE. It came early in my faith walk while I was a Corporate CEO and in the middle of a two-year personal funk. I was stressed out, depressed, and overwhelmed with hopelessness. Even smiling was a chore.    Of course my responsibilities as a CEO, husband,...
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