Mark Affleck


Hey Christian—Why Are You So Full Of ANGER?

My recent focus on the spiritual imperative (what must be done) of FULLY RELEASING CONTROL of our life to God has finally hit the stretch of road most of us would rather avoid–ANGER. But we’re going to tackle it head on by taking this unpleasant reality out of our hands and releasing it to God. Ready?    There are millions of Christians everywhere on this planet wondering why they...


This just in from our global tribe of 1.1 Million online followers: “I have been a Christian for 11 years but wonder why I constantly doubt my salvation.”    Every Christian on the planet has at least wondered about the depth of their salvation, if not whether they were really saved by God in the first place. It happens. But when that thought pops up, we need to immediately call it a LIE...

An Ugly Yellow Chair CONTROLLED My Faith Walk

All month we have been addressing the IMPERATIVE—what must be done– for Christians to fully RELEASE CONTROL of their life to Jesus by immersing themselves in God’s Word and then: Repenting; Trusting; Committing; and Praying.    Difficult? It certainly was for me early in my faith walk. That’s when I stacked the deck AGAINST myself by allowing an ugly yellow chair to CONTROL my life....

When Was The Last Time You AROUSED God’s Love?

This just in from our global online tribe: I want to show GOD’S LOVE in my life but it never seems to happen. Why do I fail even though I’m trying hard?    This is a great question about an imperative (what must be done) God gives his followers: TO LOVE.    Trying to manufacture this on our own ignores the Lord’s exhortation to “…arouse God’s Love” in 1 Timothy 1:5.   ...


Thinking of ANSWERED PRAYERS from a Biblical perspective hits play on a stream of images rolling through our mind’s projector. We see stories of Diseases Destroyed. Sight Restored. Food Produced. Seas Parted. Attackers Defeated. Death Reversed.    We see GOD at work in those bring-in-the-band answers to prayer. Start-the-parade answers to prayer. Shoot-off-the-fireworks answers to prayer....

The World is a STAGE and We’re All ACTORS

William Shakespeare had life in the 21st Century pretty much figured out when he wrote in 1599: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”    EXACTLY! That IS the reality of life on earth in the 21st Century.    Millions of people, good people, are acting on the world’s stage. Playing one role at work. Another at home. Another at church.   ...

Satan Does NOT Want You To Take A Bath

THIS JUST IN FROM OUR GLOBAL ONLINE TRIBE: When I am buried in a burden caused by a circumstance or by another person, I feel trapped by Satan with no way out. What should I do when that happens?    This is a great question because Satan loves to use our painful circumstances and problems to drop us into his dark and dirty prison. And you’re not alone. Every believer faces this challenge...

Have YOU Done Something With YOUR Salvation?

My biggest breakthrough in trying to fully RELEASE CONTROL of my life to God came when I realized I had done nothing with my salvation. Nothing for God. Nothing for those who do not know him. NOTHING!    This is when I came face-to-face with an unpleasant reality—I was ignoring the gifts and blessings God had given me. That crushing dose of humility sent me crashing to the lowest of lows....

I Have Always Wanted To Be A PLATE SPINNER

Before fully RELEASING CONTROL of my life to God, I worked relentlessly to manage every part of life. I wanted to keep everything in motion like a circus performer’s frenetic effort to spin multiple plates on sticks simultaneously. In my case, the plates were my CEO job. My money. And my mansion. I worked very hard to keep those plates spinning at the same time without any of them dropping to their...

Are You Falling For the “Bright & Shiny” Lie of UNCERTAINTY?

Our worldly culture tells us to endure the constant pressure of life’s UNCERTAINTY until we feel good again. To focus on the world’s “bright and shiny” trappings until our doubt disappears. To replace UNCERTAINTY with the world’s “certainty.”    Even though all of that is a LIE, I can see how we keep falling for its deception.    We allow UNCERTAINTY to hang around, in part, because...
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