Mark Affleck


Are You Chasing WISDOM or The WORLD Today?

The spiritual imperative of REJECTING THE WORLD is a life-long challenge and VERY DIFFICULT for Christians to achieve, right? Of course. But trying to figure out WHY that is the case makes it so much harder than it needs to be.    Fixating on the WORLD’s TRAPS that might swallow us on our faith journey is exactly what Satan wants us to think about—the world’s allure. The Enemy wants our...

My PERFECT Dream Of PERFECTION Was A Nightmare

We cannot discuss the spiritual imperative of REJECTING THE WORLD without paying a visit to the PASTURE OF PERFECTION. Let’s go there now.    Early in my faith walk I searched for the PERFECTION PASTURE day-in and day-out for over 10 years. You would think that after coming up empty so many times I would have waved a white flag and surrendered. But I didn’t.    I kept trying to...

Are YOU Flirting With The Danger Of “EVERYTHING”?

LOVE GOD FEAR NOTHING’S 1.1 Million-strong global tribe has committed to REJECT THE WORLD this month, but our media-driven and comparison-crazy society is making it tough! The world wants us to give up on this spiritual imperative—what must be done—and, instead, chase EVERYTHING. Have EVERYTHING. Be EVERYTHING. Yes, even in the middle of a global pandemic. Heck, maybe especially in a global pandemic....

Me BLAMELESS in Today’s World? NOT a Chance.

My focus this month on the spiritual imperative to REJECT THE WORLD has taken us down a darkened road that I know all Christians have traveled. That’s the bad news—we often roll down this dark road as if we’re on the world’s cruise control.    But it hit me this morning that we’ve largely covered the “spiritual mechanics” of REJECTING THE WORLD on that dark road. But traveling in the opposite...

Which GARAGE Will You Park YOUR LIFE In Tonight?

Wisdom can be found—and lives forever–between the covers of a Bible. But getting that wisdom from our head, to our heart, and then manifest in our behavior is far from automatic. It’s the opposite. But God helps us in Proverbs where we learn that wisdom comes to us when we park in GOD’S GARAGE every day.      “Those who listen to me will be happy—those who stay at my door every...

Pop-Up Ads For A Cruise Robbed My SILENCE

Yesterday I was sitting on the sofa with my laptop connecting two scarred but sturdy knees and tossing talk radio up to my half-listening ears. I was startled out of that state when a commercial began playing behind its amped-up volume and screeching noise. And then a pop-up video  for a Mediterranean Cruise began to play in response to an earlier Google search I made for “impacts on travel during...

The WORLD Is Rooting For YOU To CRASH

The world loves it when Christians crash due to their sinful choices and become a corrupt spring that produces impure water.    “Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.” Proverbs 25:26    Paul taught Timothy that a righteous man in Christ must guard both his personal and spiritual life. That he must rely on the power of God’s Word...

You May Want To SKIP This Message. Please Don’t.

CAUTION! This month’s spiritual imperative–REJECT THE WORLD—is one YOU are more likely to SKIP than most other topics that deal with your Christian faith. PLEASE DON’T.    Why do we minimize God’s call to REJECT THE WORLD? Because:    “We don’t have a CHOICE.”     “It won’t get ME.”    “The world is FUN.”    Please read on. You may KNOW...

Are Your Eyes Fixed On The WORLD Or The WORD?

Life in the 21st Century today is a terrifying roller-coaster ride rumbling through a lingering COVID nightmare; Washington D.C. roiling in chaos; dizzying technological advances; and a pall of uncertainty that colors all our circumstances.    The headlines scrolling across our phone suggest that the world is falling apart. Society’s moral code is being rewritten from stem to stern. Suicides...
Closeup of man hand with golden watch in car


 I won’t put it off any longer!    It’s time to toss you one of the most important parts of this month’s spiritual imperative–REJECT THE WORLD. Revealing that subject to you now will come as no surprise to anyone because we have all heard its pitch. It’s called the PATHETIC PROSPERITY PROMISE.    Before thoughts start rolling out of my mind on this topic, we need to...
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