As we wrap up this month’s focus on the spiritual imperative of REJECTING THE WORLD, it’s important to destroy the misguided notion of WISDOM that rules the day on planet earth.
Please do not underestimate the importance of this step to INTENTIONALLY deactivate the world’s power and activate our faith to reach deeper spiritual maturity in Christ.
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and set aside the understanding of the scholars.” 1 Corinthians 1:19
The gospel, not human wisdom, is the power and promise of God. This “Good News” has always been, and will always be, foolishness to those who do not believe.
The gospel is a life-transforming NORTH STAR for those who believe. Christians who build their faith on this foundation are engulfed by the Holy Spirit and receive God’s glorious benefits for eternity.
Human wisdom cannot save people from evil. Not one skeptic of God has ever saved a soul for eternity. That’s how Christians know that activating the benefits of God’s message, truth, and countless promises does not come from the world. They know that it comes from believing, trusting, and obeying the Lord of Heaven and earth.
Of course doing that is difficult when our culture screams COMFORT! It’s a movie of messages live-streaming 24/7 in the cinema of our mind. Sadly, many Christians today have turned Jesus into a security blanket. I call this the COMFORT GOSPEL. It’s a focus on feeling better today instead of worshiping God forever. Putting our comfort over God’s glory. Accepting shallow happiness over supernatural holiness.
When we focus on asking God to make us comfortable, we make it difficult or impossible to grow in Christ and transform our life. Jesus did not come into the world to make us comfortable. He came to save us from sin.
Remember, Jesus is not a joy genie. He is joy.
I want to always remember that my ultimate security is in you and you have my best interests in mind. Protect me from the devil’s evil clutch and remind me that human wisdom and intelligence cannot keep anyone away from the enemy.
How quick do you reject the world’s wisdom when it enters your gate?
“God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1
“Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.” Isaiah 29:14