Are YOU Living With BARE-MINIMUM Faith?
18 August, 2021
We are living in a “BARE MINIMUM” world that values and rewards limiting how much we think and do. We have our own lexicon for describing this quest for “slipping by” that expresses itself as–“that will do” or “that’s good enough.” Doing “JUST ENOUGH” is a recipe for failure. It creates nothing durable and guarantees that everything is compromised from an optimum standard. This...
I Cannot Spend Time With God Because I Fear Man
17 August, 2021
Most of our fears are tangible and easily described. You know…heights, disease, oceans, flying, failure, death…to name but a few. But the sneakiest and most dangerous fear of all is RARELY discussed. It’s the FEAR OF MAN. Why does this theme surface in the middle of this month-long series on SEEKING SOLITUDE WITH GOD? Because the FEAR OF MAN is a master chameleon...
Are You Lukewarm About Spending Time With God?
16 August, 2021
“Ok, that’s it…I’ve had it with you, John! You are LUKEWARM about everything!” That’s a real exchange I witnessed a few years back between a couple of guys on staff together at a faith-based organization. It was much louder and angrier than those words could ever convey. When they locked their horns and started to spit words all over each other, I was expecting a nasty exchange...
Disguised COMPROMISES Sunk My Faith Ship
16 August, 2021
Early in my faith walk I was a master of DISGUISES. My portfolio of faces and facades was deep and wide. My go-to disguises to cover up my distance from God were money and a mansion adorned by a sports car strutting on the long driveway’s runway. dis·guise: to obscure the existence or true state or character of something or someone. To conceal. I did everything...
How ALONE Have YOU Ever Been?
12 August, 2021
I am fascinated by the TV series ‘Alone’ on the History Channel where contestants have to survive in the wilderness, completely isolated with little resources. The person who survives the longest walks home with $500,000. Besides being great television, watching ‘Alone’ this season has elevated the subject of SOLITUDE to the top of my mind and helped me develop this month’s series on...
Who Is That Talking Inside MY HEAD?
11 August, 2021
Everybody’s talking. Inside their head, that is. All of us, to one degree or another, have an ongoing INTERNAL MONOLOGUE running that never escapes as audible sounds to the outside world. Researchers think this internal voice starts during childhood in what they refer to as PRIVATE SPEECH and continues into adulthood as a utilitarian mechanism to do get things done throughout the day....
I Was Afraid Of GOD Until I Met Him
10 August, 2021
Early in my faith walk I was afraid of everything. My shadow. Other people. And God. I was NOT afraid on the outside, hiding behind the façade I created with my success and wealth. It was on the INSIDE. I was afraid to be alone with myself–and my thoughts—and that’s what drove my lustful chase for things and the addictive (though always temporary) distractions they offer. It’s not...
I Was Starving for SOLITUDE and Could NOT Even Cry
09 August, 2021
The world’s denizens—you, me, all of us—are living on a planet STARVED FOR SOLITUDE and connection that transcends the transactional and life-less living we step through day after day after day. That reality produces a compounding pain: These people are largely UNAWARE of how this STARVATION FOR SOLITUDE is consuming their soul and many of them will never be alone with God and feel his...
My Focus on Being STRONG Nearly Destroyed Me
06 August, 2021
I think about STRENGTH a lot. Always have. Always will, I suppose. It’s an important appendage of my personality and deeply embedded in my DNA and character. I am wired to be strong in everything I do. I played football through college and strength of body and mind were my stock-in-trade. I was a corporate CEO and strength of leadership was my pathway to success. And I have committed to be strong...
Solitude With God? No Way. I’ve Got A Mortgage To Pay.
05 August, 2021
When Christians around the world read that headline—Solitude With God? No Way. I’ve Got A Mortgage To Pay—very few, if any, will have ever uttered those words. In fact, I may be the only soul on earth—ME—to have that exact line ping-pong through my mind. I remember it vividly today, even though it was early in my faith walk when my lust for success had me chasing mansions and sports cars. But I do...
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