Mark Affleck


STOP Saying:  “All We Can Do Now Is Pray!”

This just in from our global online tribe: Recently when a crisis hit my small group of Christian friends, I made this comment: “ALL WE CAN DO NOW IS PRAY.” The reaction from all of them was that I was minimizing prayer. Why did they say that?    Let me start with the ending and then work back. We need to change the headline…FROM: “All we can do now is pray” TO: “What we must do is...
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I’m Taking the PRAYER CHALLENGE. Will YOU?

I am challenging myself this month to pray more. To pray with more DEPENDENCY on God. To pray EXPECTANTLY for his answers. To pray MORE to grow my faith and transform my character in Christ. Will YOU join me in this emphasis on PRAYER and those goals?    What’s at stake? Whether or not we connect with, and download, the heart and mind of God so we can become more like Jesus.    WOW....
Car Autopilot Switch Button

If God is Your CO-Pilot, You’re Headed for a Crash!

Despite what bumper stickers say, God is NOT a Christian’s Co-Pilot. He is (must be) our PILOT. We are not co-equal to God in any way. God is never second. He must ALWAYS be first.    If we say God is our Co-Pilot, we might as well say WE ARE IN CONTROL and that we’ll summon his help if things “really get out of hand.”    The only positive I can take out of the “God is my Co-Pilot”...

Christ-like Calmness Saved Me From Myself

This just in from our global online tribe: I have trouble staying calm when I’m angry or when someone wrongs me or lets me down. I pray about it and ask for restraint but still struggle. What am I missing?    Remaining cool in the heat of life’s battle is one tough task for every believer on planet earth. It’s a challenge that comes in many forms and degrees. Some are pedestrian “that’s...

My “Desired Life” Vanished and is NOT Coming Back

This just in from our global online tribe: “I am trying to listen to God, especially this month during your series on listening to God, but still feel empty because my dream of having meaningful relationships, a good career, and financial security have not materialized.”    I am very sorry to hear about this person’s piercing pain and have pledged to pray for him. What follows here are my...

I Have a Quiet Time with God but I’m LOST

This just in from our global online tribe: I have a quiet time with God every day, but I am lost. I pray every day, but I am lost. I go to church every Sunday, but I am lost. What am I doing wrong? HELP!    NOT LISTENING to what God says is surely missing in this scenario that has her feeling empty even though she is spending time with the Lord every day.    But it does NOT, by...

Knocked Down, Again, by EXPECTATIONS.

UNMET EXPECTATIONS are the pick-pocket thief we all fear in a massing crowd. You have been a victim of his sneaky sleight of hand, right? Rejection, loss, injustice, and grief all populate a list that has no end of unmet expectations.    The common thread running through that unending list of unmet expectations is DISAPPOINTMENT. Of course, we’re disappointed! We did not get what we wanted...

I Finally Listened to God’s Take on SELF-LOVE

The world has been talking about SELF-LOVE for a very long time. For Christians, the most recent focus has been on loving YOURSELF first, and then you will be able to love OTHERS. But there is a flaw embedded in that thinking. To clear it up, I stopped talking about it and went to God’s Word to LISTEN for his take on it. I learned that “Love yourself first, and then you will love others,” is a perverted...

The MIRROR is a Pathological Liar and it Betrayed ME

Do you know that mirrors are pathological liars? That they conspire to sabotage our view of self? That they can derail our walk with God? ALL TRUE.    That’s the theme running through my mind this morning and I’m sure it’s fall-out from my own scary encounter with a mirror yesterday getting ready for a video shoot. I’ll summarize that experience with these three words: HIGH RESOLUTION CAMERAS.    I...

You are at WAR and LISTENING to God is a FIGHT

The word LISTEN conjures a feeling of SOFTNESS because it requires us to be QUIET. But raging behind the listening curtain is a full-fledged, raging WAR. Especially when it comes to listening for God’s “still soft voice.”  Listening means we need to quiet our own mind and pay attention to a sound. For Christians, that sound is God.    lis·ten: give one’s attention to a sound.    I...
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