Have You Ever Wondered What to Pray in a War?
10 March, 2022
If you’re living on planet earth, you know about war. Pictures of the devastated landscape arrest your senses. Images of the conflict’s horror cling to the screen of your mind’s cinema. Feelings of unfathomable sadness squeeze your heart into an accelerated beat.
But this war in Ukraine is different, much different, at least for me.
There is a profound and lasting impact...
Are You Wearing God’s Armor or is it in the Closet?
08 March, 2022
Watching a war on screens of all sizes is something the world has NEVER seen before and the images rolling out of Eastern Europe are truly horrific. I hate it…and I know you do, too. The atrocities in Ukraine are simply unfathomable and that’s why God has believers from every corner of the planet on their knees in prayer. I know that’s the case for me.
With WAR top of mind and resident...
04 March, 2022
When was the last time YOU were disappointed? Yesterday? Last month? Two years ago? No matter how you answered that question, we know that there will ALWAYS be an answer. It’s true. All Christians will have periodic waves of disappointment crash their shore on this side of the Heavenly divide. As I wrote the other day in my FUNKADELIC blog, one of those waves sprayed ME this week. Only by the grace...
I Went FUNKADELIC Yesterday Without Music
02 March, 2022
I was in a deep FUNK yesterday. All day. Disappointed and disillusioned. Pained and plaintive. Depleted and downcast. It wasn’t depression. It wasn’t a lack of being present. It was…well, a funk.
I’m not talking about the music genre that originated in African American communities in the mid-1960s and made famous later by the king of funk George...
Are YOU Running Away from Russian Tanks?
28 February, 2022
Images from the planet’s other side show Russian tanks in a long and frightening queue thundering toward Ukraine’s capital. The cameras then cut to the city’s center where citizen soldiers, behind anguished and tortured expressions—prepare for battle.
That scene makes me wonder how many of those brave souls are pushing back on a pulsating urge to RUN AWAY. But then I realized that it...
Is All Of This Real?
24 February, 2022
I woke up today to another chilly February morning on America’s west coast with what seemed like an ODD QUESTION crashing the day’s opening thoughts: Is all of this REAL? My faith. My hope. My life?
I quickly realized that this question had nothing to do with me BEING genuine or living with spiritual authenticity. That’s a message for another day. I could see that my thoughts this morning...
Are YOU Listening More Than Talking? Are You Sure?
22 February, 2022
A change of plans met me very early on this chilly February morning while I was towing a cup of Joe from the kitchen to my laptop. I intended to write a very specific message that has been rattling around in my head for weeks. But that plan was interrupted by a recent and haunting memory of Christians not listening to one another. There was no argument. In fact, nobody said a word about the lack of...
Have YOU Taken Your “Uncertainty Pulse” Recently
17 February, 2022
Our culture tells us to endure the constant pressure of life’s uncertainty and to keep trying hard so we can eventually prevail. It’s nonsense and simply not true. Get ready, you’re about to test your uncertainty.
God says uncertainty is unacceptable, yet we still fall prey to its powerful force and a natural, human reaction to our surroundings...
It Does NOT Matter If YOU Are Up Or Down
15 February, 2022
Before I explain why it does not matter if you are up or down, I want to give you an update on an exciting shift we’re making for this BLOG. It’s in response to input from our global online tribe asking for a combination of THREE content deliveries: 1) Short messages; 2) Full-length blogs (like you’ve been getting here); and 3) Videos. Starting tomorrow Wednesday 2.16.22, content for this blog will...
I Tried To Pull a Rabbit Out of My Hat
14 February, 2022
Earlier in my faith walk, rushes of hopelessness engulfed my soul. I was depressed. Sad. Depleted. Now that I think about it, I was hopeless. It wasn’t long before I was trying frantically to “pull a rabbit out of my hat” to make the pain stop.
It was sheer nonsense, of course, but that was my approach, nonetheless. I was trying to play God using the world’s rulebook and it failed....
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