Mark Affleck

I Lost God’s Power Cord And My World Went DARK

October 21, 2017
Spiritual Growth

The pain that came with my disconnection from God’s power was much deeper than creating a darkened existence void of his power to redeem…his power to restore…his power to re-rack all the stray parts of my life.

It was early in my faith walk when power from me to God became disconnected. I lost track of the cord instead of holding onto it through the darkness so I would be able to plug it back in when God’s light emerged.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
I regularly ask God to help me grab and hold tightly to his power cord no matter how dark my life gets. I never want to lose my connection to him and his love and grace and incredible blessings. Staying connected to God’s power gives me a shot at responding to the spontaneous and serendipitous opportunities to reach others for Christ when he erases the dark with his burst of light.

How about you?

Whether it’s dark or light in your life right now, do you have your hand on God’s Power Cord?

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