Mark Affleck

Is LONELINESS Your Friend Or Foe?

May 28, 2020
Spiritual Growth

As this yawning Thursday scurries to catch up from losing a day to remember our veterans, Christians are waking up LONELY. In fact, the percentage of people who report being LONELY continues its inexorable march toward 50%. Fueled by COVID-19, new research says 44% of respondents claim to be LONELY “more than occasionally.”

There is a LONELINESS PANDEMIC sweeping through the land like a wind-swept dirt storm hits the Australian Outback.
This destructive force comes at a time when technology has “connected” everyone with everything. But the technological wizardry we think will keep us from being lonely actually hastens our LONELINESS!
Most of us want our loneliness to be rescued like a wayward swimmer plucked from their would-be grave by brave men wearing U.S. Coast Guard colors.
Loneliness is horrible, but it can also be our friend. And if it is not our friend, surely it will be our enemy.
We live in a fallen world where no human relationship can quell our predisposition to be lonely. Only God can fill that hole. But our dance with loneliness will never completely stop until we reach Heaven to be glorified in the presence of Jesus. Until then…we will always be visited by loneliness.
Loneliness presses us to a deeper and more authentic relationship with God and others. When it comes to visit, we see and feel what relational balance with God and others can do for us and how positive it can be. 
Loneliness can be a catalytic bridge to move us from selfish to selfless. It can generate aspirational incentive to bring others into our life’s movie. And it can be a reminder that getting rid of it will only come in Heaven.
When the beat of my spiritual heart is slowed by loneliness, I ask God to help me turn to him IMMEDIATELY to reboot our connection.
Is LONELINESS your friend or foe?
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

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