The entire planet is obsessed with MAKE OVERS and DO OVERS. Both of those television-contrived trends pivot on waving a magic wand to vanquish imperfections. Change circumstances. Restore hope.
The MAKEOVER is a radical transformation or remodeling–home makeovers, lifestyle makeovers, and style makeovers–all building to a stunning “big reveal” at the end.
The DO OVER is a second chance of doing something better after an unsuccessful or unsatisfactory first attempt.
These hot trends are no surprise. The desire to “begin fresh” is baked into our DNA. We love new starts on New Year’s Day, birthdays, and weddings.
While the world is pre-occupied with the MAKEOVER and DO OVER, God is waiting for us to come to him for a new beginning. That’s the sad (but exciting) part of this story: The best MAKEOVER/DO OVER is within the grasp of everyone who knocks on God’s door. Take a look:
“To be wise you must first have reverence for the Lord. If you know the Holy One, you have understanding.” Proverbs 9:10
The most important MAKEOVER in life is having reverential awe for God. Yielding to him and living for him and not ourselves. Seeking to love the things God loves and hating the things he hates.
REVERENCE for God is the beginning of WISDOM.
We activate God’s MAKEOVER through his Word after accepting Jesus as our Savior. This is how we learn how to live a sanctified (holy) life on earth.
Here’s what happens when we fully immerse ourselves in God’s Word of life: As our knowledge of him grows, we begin to see his plan and purpose for our life on this side of the Heavenly divide.
I ask God to give me an understanding heart, a fear of his great and glorious majesty. To help me understand his character and power. All and always to HIS glory.
Are you looking for the world’s version of a MAKEOVER or DO OVER? Have you considered God’s version?
“To be wise you must first have reverence for the Lord. If you know the Holy One, you have understanding.” Proverbs 9:10