Mark Affleck

I Finally Got It Right By Choosing BEING Over ACHIEVING

January 3, 2019
Spiritual Growth

Tired and spent, 2018 just left town and paved the way for 2019 to appear on the scene with its fresh face. The time for reflecting on the past 12 months has vanished like a child’s balloon escaping into the hungry sky. With that, we can start considering what’s next for us on God’s road.

You know by now I am not a fan of new year resolutions. The biggest stumbling block for me is how most of the time these resolutions default to ACHIEVING SOMETHING the world covets and rarely on BEING SOMEONE God is pleased with and blesses.
With that in mind, I ask God:

  • What kind of person he wants me to BE.
  • Where he wants me to focus my ATTENTION.
  • What FRUITS he would have my faith walk produce.

Those questions got me thinking yesterday about what steps I need to take next. Here are the five areas I will focus on in 2019 to make sure I am thinking about BEING over ACHIEVING:
SELF-WORTH: Thinking that God could never bless me is one of Satan’s lies to thwart our faith journey.
FEAR: Our level of trembling fear is determined by how much we BELIEVE that God is in control.
HOPELESSNESS: We cannot allow distance to form between us and God because hopelessness is a gateway to our full surrender to God. We must be ready to make that move.
PAIN: We need to set aside our mind’s negative chatter and realize that our pain is a disguised opportunity to help others.
ANGER: Our anger is a gauge for how much of our life we have YIELDED to God–yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.
I ask God to keep me focused on BEING and ever-vigilant to fight off the urge to concentrate on ACHIEVING.
What will your spiritual focus be in 2019?
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

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