Early in my faith walk I had no idea there was danger lurking in MY mind. For me, danger was running across the street without looking both ways. Danger was touching raw chicken. Danger was going overboard into the stormy sea on a Caribbean cruise.
Danger in my mind? That’s just silly.
Everything we allow into our life impacts how much we grow spiritually. There is danger lurking in almost every situation we encounter; every thought we form; and every action we take.
This fight begins every day when we wake up and immediately start generating our first thoughts that will eventually total over 50,000 when the day fades to black.
That’s a lot of thinking going on and each thought steps onto our porch with the power to draw us off God’s purpose pavement and takes us down the wrong road.
The only chance we have to win this battle is to take every single thought captive!
The starting gun for this battle goes off when our commitment to walk with Christ triggers an inner conflict between the Holy Spirit and the flesh. That gets the party rocking and pretty soon the guests—our thoughts–start to form a queue and prepare to emerge during the day.
Of course we don’t stand a chance of controlling our thoughts by ourselves. But the Holy Spirit definitely can give us the grace and power to bring our thoughts under captivity Christ.
I ask God to give me the power and strength to control the thousands of thoughts that enter my mind each day.
Is there any danger lurking in your mind today?
“As a man thinks, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7