Mark Affleck

You’ve Got a Mona Lisa Hand

March 26, 2017
Spiritual Growth

What Am I Really Worth?
Men and women have been trying without success to figure out that question on their own since the beginning of time.
It has been, is now, and will always be FUTILE. But we keep trying, nonetheless. Today’s search typically looks for the answer in possessions and position and power. Others use their family, hobbies, or church service. There are myriad measurements being used, but they all lead to the same dead-end because there is no answer using HUMAN means.
Only God has the answer: You are a MASTERPIECE!
Consider this:
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus…” | Ephesians 2:10
Wait a second. Me, a masterpiece? A masterpiece like the Mona Lisa by da Vinci or the sophisticated and incredible arrangement of symphonies by Mozart?
Well…no, not exactly.
Those are indeed masterpieces when viewed through the world’s cultural viewfinder. But they come up short on the eternal scale because God created us and no human or the world’s culture can define our true worth. It’s true, you can find out how much you are worth if you look in the right place. God is the author of creation and we are a new creation in Christ. To have incredible value is to be identified with an incredible God!
Despite that promise, most of us would never consider ourselves as anything resembling a masterpiece. In fact, we’re more apt to believe the opposite as we fixate on the evil one’s deafening drumbeat pounding away in our heads. Nestled in that noise is the lie that we are anything but a masterpiece. We end up believing this false narrative that since we have nothing valuable to offer, we have no value at all.
That is, simply and categorically, WRONG.
Here is what God says is RIGHT—the three primary planks undergirding his declaration of our worth. They are:
We are unique like no one else on the planet, created by God to be his prized possession.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” I Peter 2:9
We are valuable and desirable because God paid the ultimate price for us–his only Son.
“For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”  I Corinthians. 6:20
We are affirmed by God’s residence in us as a holy temple living in and through our life.
“Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?” | 1 Corinthians 6:19
What It All Means
What does all of this mean to us today living in the 21st Century?
It means that our worth does not come from anything we do, possess, or achieve. It comes from the God of Heaven and Earth who has declared us a masterpiece.
God wants you to believe, embrace, and live that out right now.

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