What was the first LIE you believed in your life?
- Everything can be perfect.
- It’s possible to live a problem-free life without pain.
- Relationships will never have strife.
This list is long, so I’ll stop here and insert what I feel is the most destructive LIE we believe when we experience the reality of a broken world:
I am alone.
This is the LIE we believe when ALL those other lies surface. You know–life will never blow up. Relationships will never fracture. We will never get sick.
Those lies, and the myriad other untruths we constantly play in the cinema of our mind, trigger the feeling that WE ARE ALONE. The fear that results from believing these lies pervades our thinking and we can’t help but feel ALONE. That we are living life on our own. That we are isolated and swimming in uncertainty.
These destructive narratives in the mind and heart of a believer prompt us to lean on our FEELINGS. Each time feelings dominate our thinking we move a step FURTHER AWAY from seeking and believing GOD’S TRUTH that we are never alone. And that separation keeps us from doing and thinking what God wants our response to be—GO TO HIS WORD to see that what it says is true and delete what we think is true.
But we must go to God’s Word to call on the indwelling of his Spirit. That is the way out of feeling alone.
“For it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Jesus put this truth into action with his disciples: “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20
This is the greatest joy of all for Christians—being in the presence of the Lord of Heaven and earth. The Lord of Lord. The King of Kings.
This is so MUCH MORE than Jesus “relating” to our loneliness. He vanquishes it to the graveyard forever. It’s not sympathy, it’s safety. WHY? Because Jesus understands loneliness. He was tempted but did not yield (Hebrews 4:15).
I thank God for showing me his truth that I am never alone and I ask him to help me take the next step with that truth and tell others about it so they can feel his comfort.
Make sure you embrace and affirm God’s TRUTH that you are NOT alone.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33