Is That ME, Or You, GOD?
08 October, 2021
Christians often mistake their own thoughts for the voice of God. And that can be very dangerous. If the thought is not from our born-again Spirit–which is one with God’s Spirit—it is from: 1) Our carnal mind; or 2) Satan’s darkness. God communicates with his children by running thoughts across our spirit’s channel. “But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him...
Don’t INTERRUPT Me, God, I’m Too Busy For THAT…
07 October, 2021
I take my SPIRITUAL PULSE on a regular basis to make sure I am fully connected to God and living a Christ-like life for him and his Kingdom. Integral to that process is checking on how well I’m listening for God’s voice. I do that by regularly asking myself piercingly tough questions (below) about me being “interruptible.” WHY? Because failure to conduct this kind of introspective examination can...
“If I Don’t Listen to God, I Don’t Have to Obey Him.”
06 October, 2021
We know that God is constantly talking to his children and the only question is if we are LISTENING. That makes LISTENING for God’s voice a spiritual IMPERATIVE that we must do. In fact, LISTENING for God is a sign of spiritual maturity. But it’s very DIFFICULT to do with all of life’s distractions and IMPOSSIBLE to pull off if we are not willing to OBEY what he says. That was ME early in my faith...
You are Just a WHISPER Away From Transformation
05 October, 2021
My heart is troubled. My soul is hopeless. My mind is afraid. Those are the most common feelings we hear about from our global tribe of online followers. They are feelings that may be coming from a damaged relationship; personal hang-up, habit or hurt; a health scare; or financial crisis…to name a microscopic few from the seemingly endless list. Many of these Christians have...
“God Is Silent.” NO, You’re NOT Listening!
04 October, 2021
“Why does it seem that I’m in touch with God and hearing from him one day and then nothing comes in on another day and for many days after that?” That’s just one of many very similar comments from our global online tribe on hearing God speak into and guide their faith walk. It’s a frustration that does not surprise me because I have thought the very same thing many hundreds of times....
GOD is Trying to Tell YOU Something RIGHT NOW
01 October, 2021
If you are a Christian, God is trying to tell YOU something RIGHT NOW. And that will be the case tomorrow. And the next day. And it will be true every day…forever. The question is not IF God wants to have a conversation with his children. THE QUESTION IS WILL WE BE LISTENING. Hearing the voice of God is one of the most important subjects for all believers committed to intimacy with Christ...
30 September, 2021
All roads on our faith walk seem to end up, eventually, at the intersection of FEAR and LOVE. So that’s where we are parked today as this month’s exploration of GOD’S LOVE comes to an end. We’re face-to-face with this truth: the world’s FEAR will never stop knocking on our door, but God’s LOVE will turn it away every time. A “simple” truth to embrace, but a difficult promise to live out. Here’s how...
I Used To Hate Discipline. Now I Ask God For It.
29 September, 2021
One of the most misunderstood parts of being a Christian is God’s LOVING discipline. Early in my faith walk I hated it. Now I ask for it. “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11 Consider this question and the choice it creates: Would...
Is God’s LOVE Stored In Your FAITH FLYWHEEL?
28 September, 2021
A FLYWHEEL stores energy and tension to be released later. Think of a SPINNING TOY that is wound up to create and store power and momentum that send it whirling when released. Here’s the connection between FLYWHEELS and FAITH. GOD’S LOVE is a FLYWHEEL in the heart of a believer that must be regularly charged so it can release energy when called upon. No charge, no energy. No energy, no...
I Thought AGAPE LOVE was a New Wine
27 September, 2021
We’re in the home stretch of this month’s focus on GOD’S LOVE and it’s time to focus on the most powerful picture painted of this in the Bible–AGAPE LOVE. Agape love is beautifully described in 1 Corinthians: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps...
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