Mark Affleck


Let me dive a little deeper by switching metaphors…    We put ourselves at risk when we travel through life without paying attention to those important warning lights flashing their plea for attention on the dashboard. Our car may keep running, but eventually it will break down, and we will not know when it will happen. If we ignore the lights for a long period, we will travel with constant...

The Church’s Cotton Candy “Sugar Hit”

The trap is set when a church pulls the trigger too quickly on a new program or action plan.  The leaders calling the shots jump before considering even the most basic questions about 1) the move’s merits; and 2) how the action fits into the church’s vision for the future.    Focusing on tactics without having a strategy is like cotton candy—the initial hit (sugar) traps you, and...

Sodom was Married to Gomorrah?

Sodom was married to Gomorrah.  Really? Billy Graham delivered the Sermon on the Mount.  C’mon? Joan of Arc was married to Noah.  Are you kidding?    Of course these lines are false. But they shockingly demonstrate why Biblical Illiteracy in the American church has reached epidemic levels.    Those thoughts are just three of the findings from data released by...
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