To wrap up this month’s focus on REJECTING THE WORLD, we must address how COVID-19 and its long train of CHANGE has impacted our faith walk with Christ. There are plenty of roads to take in telling that story, but the one sitting atop my list today is how the world is running out of patience to deal with that CHANGE like a kid runs out of quarters to feed a hungry game at the local arcade.
A surreal soundtrack crackling in the background peppers us with information about vaccines and re-openings. Change covers and clouds any attempt to flip our life back to PRE-COVID “NORMAL.”
The story of this COVID-19 pandemic and “life as we knew it” is about to be printed in the history books under the category CHANGE. And that tests our patience to stop and pay attention to the stark difference between a life surrendered to Jesus and a life subject to the WHIMS OF THE WORLD.
But it is a spiritual imperative to REJECT THE WORLD and activate our faith as pervasive change courses through society. Draw closer to Christ in this so-called “new normal” world. Surrender to and obey Jesus even when our life’s walls are painted with uncertainty.
Christians have two choices when a fast-moving RIVER OF CHANGE crashes through our door as it has today with the CV-19 Pandemic: 1) Stay in place and be consumed by the rising waters of change that devour those rigid souls fixed to the WORLD’S GROUND they have trusted for so many years; OR 2) Reject the world by slipping into the river’s current where Jesus will take us to his shore.
We can keep wishing for and chasing the past (“normal”); or we can pray for and receive God’s direction to a changed future.
Forget about the OLD NORMAL and the NEW NORMAL and every other kind of NORMAL. WHY? Because NORMAL is a word cooked up by man and the world. Instead of NORMAL, Christians need to focus on the ETERNAL found in Jesus.
Want to address CHANGE? Then do it by clinging to what never changes—JESUS.
I ask God to move me away from wishing for and chasing the past and move me toward praying for and receiving his direction to a changed future.
Are you ready to trust our unchanging God?
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17
“But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations…” Psalm 33:11