Millions of Christians around the world broke their slumber this morning feeling LONELY. Some are so LONELY that they hurt deeply. Others are so LONELY that they want to give up…on everything.
That’s the tragic picture painted by results from this ministry’s January 2022 survey that took the spiritual pulse of believers in over 100 countries. It’s a picture that breaks my heart and one I want to address during February through this blog’s LONELINESS theme.
Let me say right out of the gate that I am no stranger to this topic. Early in my faith walk I was LONELY a lot. And that loneliness came during a lifestyle that, on the outside, did not look like it could be lonely…ever. Mansions and sports cars and money and power. But it was the loneliest time of my life because I had FORGOTTEN ABOUT GOD.
I want to share with you this month what God has taught me about LONELINESS since that time. To kick things off today and set the stage for the messages coming your way soon, below in random order are just a few of my “top-of-mind” thoughts on being a lonely Christian:
- We often define LONELINESS in physical or emotional terms. But being lonely is a spiritual issue! It’s not just the absence of joy; it’s the pain of separation from God and others. The pain of disobedience. The pain of circumstances outside our control.
- Life is not an endurance run where we get awarded a prize for finishing first. It is a journey of joy in the here and now. Every minute. Every day. Always. The hard part is avoiding the strong pull to be LONELY when negative and defeatist winds are blowing in our face.
- Recent research shows that 44% of people in general society claim to be lonely “more than occasionally.”
- Technology in the 21st Century has “connected” everyone with everything. But the technological wizardry we think will keep us from being LONELY actually triggers our LONELINESS!
- Our dance with LONELINESS will never completely stop until we reach Heaven to be glorified in the presence of Jesus. Until then our life will at times include loneliness. Yes, that’s painful, but it can also be our friend if it draws us closer to God.
- Ending on a positive note…LONELINESS can push us toward a deeper and more authentic relationship with God where we can fight off feeling lonely and experience relational balance with him and others.
I ask God to help me turn my loneliness into a catalytic force that can move me from selfishness to selflessness. And along the way remind me that getting rid of it completely will ONLY come in Heaven.
How do you combat LONELINESS when it pops into your life? Will you make a commitment to join us this month for our series on lonely Christians?
“Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.” Psalm 25:16
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3
Let’s tackle loneliness together!