After wrestling with how to fully RELEASE CONTROL of our life to Jesus for the past 30 days, today we close out that effort by focusing on the foundational, keystone habit—embedding GOD’S WORD in our head and heart.
Early in my faith walk I thought memorizing Scripture was all about showing people how close we are to God—a Spiritual Show Off. WRONG!
I have since learned that there are myriad reasons why God wants us to memorize his Word, but showing off is not one of them. Here are five of the most important for me:
Scripture constantly reminds us of the standards God sets for us to live out (1 Corinthians 1:30).
The more Scripture we memorize, the easier it is to hear God speak to us (John 14:26).
Scripture strengthens us when we are under stress and soothes our sadness (Jeremiah 15:16).
Jesus encountered temptation during his time here on Earth and we will, too. Scripture gives us triumph over Satan and sin (Psalm 119:11).
Be ready to share God’s Word at any moment and in any circumstance of life (1 Peter 3:15).
If we want Christ-likeness to be expressed on the outside, we need Christ on the inside. This makes sense spiritually to be sure. But it also makes sense practically because when we need God’s Word the most—during an argument, opportunity to witness, or making a tough decision–we almost never have a Bible in our hand.
Yet another benefit of memorizing Scripture comes every day when we are pummeled by a cacophony of noise–good, neutral, and evil. Having God’s Word in us provides a filter through which we can process everything against Godly standards.
Martin Luther devoured God’s Word early in his faith walk at the Augustinian monastery. And look what happened.
Never forget that we remember what is IMPORTANT to us. Well…where are you on that measure as it relates to the Bible?
I ask God to remind me every day that his Word must be in my heart and circulating throughout my soul in order to transform my thinking…my actions…my life.
First, make sure the verse speaks to you. Then read the verse aloud several times. Include the location/reference before and after each reading. Finally, write the verse on a card and review it over and over until you have it memorized.
“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Luke 6:45