This just in from our global online tribe: I thought my faith was strong, but the world seems to be rooting for me to slip or fall down. Am I alone in feeling this?
NO, you are not alone. The world IS rooting for you, me, and all Christians to fall down. It has become SPORT for people to cheer when a holy man or woman falls. They ignore sins of the wicked and, at the same time, magnify a single transgression of the righteous.
The world mocks Christians when their character or conduct shows its first crack of hypocrisy. Avoiding that misstep is our responsibility as believers and it can only be avoided by living a virtuous life that allows for no such criticism of the Lord.
Jesus sets the example for how to live without fault so that accusers will be robbed of their ammunition. God’s Word tells us that when a righteous man yields to wickedness, it is like a corrupt spring that produces impure water.
“Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked.” Proverbs 25:26
Paul taught Timothy that a righteous man in Christ must guard both his personal and spiritual life. That he must rely on the power of God’s Word to live a sanctified, holy life. That our success in this endeavor keeps our life and those we touch from running off the road (I and II Timothy).
Righteousness in Christ demands that we be nourishment for those we touch on the road of life. That means we cannot compromise our actions by relying on a polluted stream to bring life-giving sustenance to those needing God’s water of life.
The way to delight in the Lord is to do what pleases him and install his Word in our hearts. Then and only then are we sanctified in ever-increasing waves of holiness as he meets the desires of our heart.
- It inspires obedience.
- It builds a love for Scripture.
- It increases the desire to do his will.
- It develops stronger spiritual muscles.
- It sustains us through pain and trials.
- It knocks down negativity and depression.
I ask God for the wisdom to keep his promise of holiness in my mind and heart so I remember to access it on my faith walk. To help me guard my personal and spiritual actions by relying on the power of his Word to live a sanctified, holy life.
Is the world trying to talk you out of living a sanctified and blameless life? Are you drinking from a polluted stream? Are you RESPONDING to God’s grace to access his sanctification?
“Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23