Holy Week is an opportunity to take our faith beyond the blessing of celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus on Easter. An opportunity to remember the deity and humanity of Christ. An opportunity to reflect on his character.
To make the most of those opportunities, each day during Holy Week I will post a blog to prepare our hearts to receive Christ on Easter Sunday.
This week has historical and life-changing significance because it is the story of Jesus beginning his journey to the Cross on our behalf. That’s why my goal for the week is to shift our focus toward Christ and away from the “holiday.” To remain hungry for a fresh beginning. And to be eager for God’s light to illuminate the darkness.
Another important reason to honor Holy Week is to thwart the enemy who is watching all of this unfold so he can distract us from the true meaning of Easter. We cannot let him have his way!
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15
Triumphant heroes of the world would return home in chariots of gold, preceded by the elegant trot of majestic stallions and followed by an army of dedicated soldiers in a ceremonial victory procession.
But not Jesus.
He chose to ride in on a donkey, a symbol of peace and reminder to all that he is the Prince of Peace.
He was greeted by people who had cut palm branches and laid them on the ground for his arrival. The palm branch represented goodness and symbolized Jesus’ coming victory over death.
As people waved pond branches in his honor, they shouted “Hosanna!” to hail Christ as King.
In the midst of this praise, Jesus wept for Jerusalem knowing in his heart that these people would soon betray and crucify him. It was then that Jesus knew just how much the world needed a Savior.
Palm Sunday is a powerful reminder that the reign of Christ is far greater than what any man could ever conceive. It set up God’s ultimate plan to send his only son to fight the ultimate battle over death.
We celebrate Holy Week because of this greatness. Because of the ultimate sacrifice of Christ. And because it allows us to escape death.