Mark Affleck

God Told Me To Use It Or Lose It

May 10, 2018
Spiritual Growth

I was cruising along this morning on my month-long jaunt through the book of Proverbs when God tossed this truth my way:

“A sensible person gathers the crops when they are ready; it is a disgrace to sleep through the time of harvest.” Proverbs 10:5 (GNT)
That verse arrived at my door in the context of OPPORTUNITY…a wonderful opportunity for every believer to harvest souls for God’s Kingdom.
But this opportunity is far from automatic and certainly not guaranteed. It is a blessing – a gift from God. And even though he gives all believers the means to tell others about him, we often decline the offer.
The qualification for being a harvester in this sense is Sonship. We are not sons of God by nature, we only become sons by spiritual birth (John 1:12-14). And God has two kinds of sons: 1) The wise; and 2) The foolish.
When God provides an opportunity to harvest, even the weakest child of God can rise to the occasion. The WISE see this opportunity and aggressively move on it for God’s glory. The FOOLISH squander these opportunities to harvest and miss the open door.
When a season of harvest appears by the grace of God, we need to rush through the open door, not past it. If we have a God-given talent of any kind, we cannot bury it.
I ask God to give me the strength needed to respond to any and all opportunities to harvest souls for his Kingdom when they come my way.
Are you ready to harvest?

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