It seems like every couple of years I need to be reminded that God tells his children to be brave. I wrote about this in 2020, but my focus was on the pandemic wildfire that was spreading unchecked around the world.
What’s different today?
The level of bravery I’m seeing now — and sometimes feeling personally – is occasional. Sporadic. Situational. Intermittent. Conditional.
Most of all it is difficult to define – especially for a Christian – in a world that tosses around fear like a pinata dispenses candy at a birthday party.
We are living in a Superhero Universe where bravery is depicted as man capable of God’s strength and power without him. That sugar-laced, plasticized imagery leaves a gulf between what God says about bravery and what the world depicts across society’s cinema.
It is an undeniable reality that bravery on planet earth for a Christian in the 21st century is easy to talk about, but a huge challenge to put in play. That’s why Christians must turn to God immediately when challenges start rolling off life’s assembly line.
We KNOW God will give us the bravery we need. Here are just a few reasons he gives us to be brave:
- God is with us (Joshua 1:9; Luke 12:7; Rev. 2:10).
- Past experiences of God faithfully delivering you, just as David remembered his past experience with Goliath as he bravely faced his future challenges (1 Samuel 17;45-47).
- God’s plans never fail (Isaiah 46:9-11).
Bravery in Christ is knowing that he is in control and TRUSTING HIM 100% no matter what circumstances are animating our life. And it’s going to him every day in prayer to access the bravery we need.
God commands His people throughout scripture to be brave. See Luke 12:7; Revelation 2:10; and Isaiah 41:13 (below):
“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13
The utmost act of bravery is choosing to obey Christ in everything regardless of the personal cost (Luke 9:23).
I ask God to help me fight off the enemy’s use of fear to keep me from being brave as I seek his wisdom and direction.
How is God calling you to be BRAVE today?
“Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.” Psalm 27:14