Most of us have had that thought, whether we express it out loud or keep it under wraps.
This “I’m Right” dynamic shows up in our closest relationships, at work, socially, and even financially when we assume our purchase is “right.”
Thinking we’re always right is largely about CONTROL. But its more pervasive driver in many cases is JUDGMENT that shows up like this:
- Answering before even being asked a question.
- Judging people and trying to exert control over them.
- Insisting to be on the center stage and in the spotlight.
- Hijacking conversations and rarely asking any questions.
- Exerting a self-righteous superiority complex to dominate.
- Framing everything in black or white, right or wrong terms.
Trying to be the boss of our life guarantees isolation from the blessings that come from landing in the sweet spot of our life purpose and touching others with God’s love.
On the other hand, blowing up our “I’m Right” attitude puts a spotlight on our weaknesses and the need to turn things over to God. If we make the request, he will bless us.
But having insight on this “I’m Right” danger is meaningless without habitual, intentional preventative action. This is not a matter of saying, “OK, I won’t do that.” It’s a matter of using the example Jesus set as a filter for everything we think and say and do. Jesus humbly and selflessly served and was never domineering over others. And he repeatedly warned against judging others.
Yet Christians continue to be known in some circles more for being judgmental than forgiving.
I strive to confront and slay the “I’m RIGHT” monster every day and never assume I have it figured out. I ask God to help me never lose sight of the truth that Christianity is about grace and redemption and not controlling, judgmental manipulation to induce fear. I ask God to teach me how to use the “I’m Right” caution as a filter for how I think and speak and act.
Are you aware of the “I’m Right” danger in your life? How do you fight it off?
“But the grace that God gives is even stronger…God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6