Mark Affleck

My Faith Tank Was Empty For Nearly 20 Years

December 2, 2017
Spiritual Growth

Has your faith tank ever gone empty?

Is it empty today?

Any chance of it happening in the future?

When the needle on my faith tank edges toward empty, I ask for God’s mighty intervention to help me weaken the spiritual opposition in my life. And after nearly 20 years of living with an inactive faith, I finally “got it” by seeking a truth to believe…a prayer to pray…or something to thank God for in that moment. And there always is.


God wants us to connect with him every day–through both the positive and negative winds blowing in our life–so we can keep our faith tank from draining down.
Will we have doubts if we take that approach? C’mon, you know the answer to that question. YES! But it’s ok because God knows all about our doubt and implores us to trust him. He will fill our faith tank!
“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.” James 1:6

In addition to doubt, there will be times when our faith tank seems to be empty and we don’t know why. That’s ok, too. Remember, our empty faith tank can be refilled through God’s Word and prayer.

There is always something to praise; always a promise to embrace; always someone in need of prayer; always a plea for provision; and always a sin to avoid. I could go on, but you get the idea. There is ALWAYS a prayer to pray.


I learned that the potential of having our faith tank run empty makes it imperative to develop a “rhythm of faith” that gains strength with each encounter with Jesus and repels our propensity to be pessimistic.
When a crisis does hit, we can tap into that rhythm and the dialog we have established with God.
So what are the barriers to achieving that goal? There isn’t enough room here to list them all, but I’ll toss a few your way to make the point. Here are some of the most powerful barriers to developing spiritual rhythm that we must watch out for: Fear; Pride; Bitterness; Complacency; Apathy; and Busyness.
That’s the short list. You can add anything else that sucks fuel from your faith tank.


If your Faith Tank is heading toward empty today, call on God right now and ask if there is a truth to believe…a prayer to pray…or something to thank him for in this moment. There WILL be an answer.

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