Christians everywhere on the planet—of all ages and colors and in different life circumstances—want to REJECT THE WORLD and deepen their faith. That’s great! But it’s the flip side of that coin that concerns me—the HOW-TO ACTION STEPS we take to reject the world and activate our faith.
All Christians seem to be drawn toward DOING THINGS to reject the world and activate their faith. You know, find something to “DO” that will bring us closer to God and then check it off a spiritual to-do list.
Don’t get me wrong. Taking action to reject the world and grow spiritually to become a mature, Christ-like believer IS the goal. But it’s wrong to think that we’ll get there solely by trying hard to be good. Studying this. Serving that.
It’s true that God LOVES it when we take those intentional steps to reject the world and activate our faith. But here’s the main point in this message:
He wants us to understand that BEING in Christ must be a part of our DOING for Christ.
“In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” Romans 6:11
Understanding the answer to the BEING/DOING question is essential if we are to reject the world and activate our faith.
To that end, here are five thoughts that keep me on track to BE more like Christ and DO less of what the world covets:
Thinking that God could never bless me—to BE more like him–is a lie from Satan to weaken our faith and entice us to DO things that distract our attention and flood our heart with discontentment.
Our level of fear is determined by how much we believe that God is in control. The less we believe that truth, the more worldly things we will end up DOING that make us feel less afraid.
The more distance we allow to form between us and God, the more we will DO outside of his will to bridge the gap.
The more we realize that our pain is a disguised opportunity to strengthen our faith and help others, the more we will BE like Christ and the less we will DO like the world.
Anger is incompatible with BEING in Christ. Failure to win this “Battle Royale” will prompt us to DO whatever the world says will help us “manage” the urge to be angry.
That’s it! Those are the five ways I stay focused on BEING more like Christ and avoid DOING things like the world. And then I continually ask God to help me focus on BEING in him and reject DOING what the world advertises.
Are you consciously attempting to BE in Christ more than you DO in the world?
“Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13